Commit 67bc2853 authored by Benoit Rat's avatar Benoit Rat

core: remove code to clean singleton destructor

This code coud not compile with GCC 4.4.7 (CentOS 6)
parent 9572b40d
......@@ -178,22 +178,22 @@ class EWBTrace {
EWBTrace() {}; // Forbidden Constructor
#if __cplusplus <= 199711L
// C++ 11
// =======
// We can use the better technique of deleting the methods
// we don't want.
EWBTrace(EWBTrace const&) = delete;
void operator=(EWBTrace const&) = delete;
// C++ 03
// ========
// Dont forget to declare these two. You want to make sure they
// are unacceptable otherwise you may accidentally get copies of
// your singleton appearing.
EWBTrace(EWBTrace const&); // Don't Implement
void operator=(EWBTrace const&); // Don't implement
//#if __cplusplus <= 199711L
// // C++ 11
// // =======
// // We can use the better technique of deleting the methods
// // we don't want.
// EWBTrace(EWBTrace const&) = delete;
// void operator=(EWBTrace const&) = delete;
// // C++ 03
// // ========
// // Dont forget to declare these two. You want to make sure they
// // are unacceptable otherwise you may accidentally get copies of
// // your singleton appearing.
// EWBTrace(EWBTrace const&); // Don't Implement
// void operator=(EWBTrace const&); // Don't implement
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