Commit d5118bc5 authored by Milosz Malczak's avatar Milosz Malczak

docs: updated developer_guide

parent 7f806457
......@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
Developer Guide
As described in :ref:`introduction`, currently there are two types of User
Applications available:
As described in :ref:`introduction`, DO currently supports two types of User
* testbench
......@@ -13,15 +13,18 @@ and one type of Device Application available:
* ADCs supported by the `adc-lib <>`_.
This section provides guidelines on how to develop new applications for the
Distributed Oscilloscope.
Depending on the needs of the user, different applications could be developed.
In order to do this, the following tasks have to be performed:
The Server provides interfaces for User Applications and Devices Applications.
Each new application should use these interfaces. If the interfaces don't
meet the requirements for the new application, they should be modified.
* write application specific code
* update or add a new model of the application in the Server
* establish communication with the Server using the existing interface and if
necessary, update the interface
The section expalins breifly the communication patterns, existing interfaces
and models of applications as well as the changes that have to be done to be
able to add a new application.
In order to explain the interfaces, the communication patterns used in the DO
have to be explained before.
Communication in the DO
......@@ -50,14 +53,15 @@ Request/reply pattern is used to implement Remote Procedure Calls (RPC), which
allow to control the behaviour of other application in a reliable way.
The User Applications control the behaviour of the Distributed Oscilloscope,
using a Server as a proxy. Therefore, the User Applications send RPC request to
the Server and the Server sends the RPC requests to the ADC.
the Server and the Server sends the RPC requests to the Device Application.
Publisher/subscriber pattern is used for sending acquisition data and
notifications about the availability of nodes. Device Applications send the
notifications and acquisition data to the Server, which propagates them to the
User Applications.
There are two ways of sending the notifications to the Server about the
presence of the Device Application:
There are two ways of sending the notifications about the presence of the
Device Application to the Server:
* if the IP address of the server is provided during the startup of the
Device Application, the notification is sent over the standard communication
......@@ -66,53 +70,99 @@ presence of the Device Application:
However, the Zeroconf Listener in the Server also uses
the publisher/subscriber pattern for internal communication.
When implementing the :ref:`interfaces` for new applications, the communication
patterns should not be changed.
Server Interface
.. todo::
Applications Models
Since currently the only available device, is and ADC, the interface
provides functions for interaction with the ADCs. If in the future other
types of devices will be supported, the interface should be made more
general or extended.
The Server contains models of User Applications and Device Applications.
.. automodule:: server.expose
User Application model
.. autoclass:: server.expose.Expose
The User Applications model is similar to standard oscilloscope. The
functionality of the User Applications depends on the changes made in the
model, that is:
* channels selection
* triggers selection
* acquisition settings (e.g. length of acquisition, position of the trigger...)
There are no forseen changes in the User Application model when adding a new
User Application. The new application should make use of the
:ref:`server_interface` and implement the
User Applications
Device Application model
The Device Application model reflects the functionalities of the particular
device. In case of the ADC, the functionalities are the following:
* channels settings
* triggers settings
* acquisition settings
The main reason for adding a new Device Application is adding a new type of
device. In that case, the model of the application as well as the
:ref:`device_application_interface` should be modified or added.
.. _interfaces:
The Server provides interfaces for User Applications and Devices Applications.
Each new application should use these interfaces. If the interfaces don't
meet the requirements for the new application, they should be modified.
.. autoclass:: server.connection_manager.ConnectionManager
.. autoclass:: server.user_app.UserApplication
.. _server_interface:
Server Interface
.. todo::
describe the interface of the server, for the GUI and for the adc
Since currently the only available device is and ADC, the interface
provides functions for interaction with ADCs. If in the future other
types of devices will be supported, the interface should be made more
general or extended.
.. automodule:: server.expose
.. autoclass:: server.expose.Expose
.. _user_application_interface:
User Application Interface
The following methods are used to receive information about availablility of
of the devices and the data.
describe what is required to be set in the server
.. autoclass:: applications.pyqt_app.GUI.GUI_Class
:members: register_ADC, unregister_ADC, set_ADC_available,
set_ADC_unavailable, update_data
describe how to add a new application, what is done by RPC, which
information the user has to poll for
describe as much as you can how to add a new type of device, you can write
that when more deivces will be there it will be worth creatin a virtual
.. _device_application_interface:
Device Application Interface
.. autoclass:: nodes.adc_lib_node.server_expose.ServerExpose
:members: __getattr__, set_server_address
.. autoclass:: nodes.adc_lib_node.devices_access.DevicesAccess
:members: set_user_app_name, set_WRTD_master, configure_adc_parameter,
get_current_adc_conf, configure_acquisition,
......@@ -12,13 +12,15 @@ Applications
.. important::
To be able to access the ADC device, the :ref:`dependencies` have to be installed.
To be able to access the ADC device, the :ref:`dependencies` have to be
To use the DO, the python version 3.6 is required.
Before installing the Distributed Oscilloscope and the requirements, create a python virtual environment to avoid issues with packages versions.
Before installing the Distributed Oscilloscope and the requirements, create a
python virtual environment to avoid issues with packages versions.
.. code-block:: console
......@@ -60,7 +62,8 @@ To install the dependencies for the ADC node, issue:
$ pip install -r
To display help for each of the applications, type the name of the applications with '-h' option, e.g.:
To display help for each of the applications, type the name of the applications
with '-h' option, e.g.:
.. code-block:: console
......@@ -111,9 +114,19 @@ To be able to access the ADC device, the following drivers need to be loaded:
commit: b07df87ad36d963beb7d7596b3dffa4221d6bd58
To be able to access ADC device and WRTD, the following libraries have to be
installed on the machine running the :ref:`adc_application`:
* adc-lib:
After installing the drivers, the SPEC150T-based FMC_ADC reference design has to be loaded. You can find the reference design `here <>`_.
After installing the drivers and the libraries, the SPEC150T-based FMC_ADC
reference design has to be loaded. You can find the reference design
`here <>`_.
.. todo::
Reset mockturtle CPUs
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ The first application that has to be run is the Server. When the Server is alrea
Before starting any of the applications, start the virtual environment and install the Distributed Oscilloscope, as described in section :ref:`inst_app`.
.. _server_application:
Server Application
......@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ Optional arguments:
* port_user -- port of the Server exposed to the User Application, default value -- 8003
* port_device -- port of the Server exposed to the device, default value -- 8023
.. _gui:
......@@ -53,7 +55,7 @@ Optional arguments:
* port -- port used on the current machine to listen for notifications and acquisition data, default value -- 8001
* port_server -- port used on the Server to listen for the requests from the GUI, default value -- 8003
.. _adc_application:
ADC application:
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