Commit 3af98e16 authored by Grzegorz Daniluk's avatar Grzegorz Daniluk

HDL: rename temporary gefe_test to final diot_wic_demo

parent 8d1a2d7e
This repository contains the sources of HDL and software for a Distributed I/O
Tier demonstrator, with a proof-of-concept Warm Interlocks Controller
* hdl/top/diot_wic_demo - is a top VHDL design file
* sw/diot-sw/gui_demo - is a main demonstrator GUI application running on a
MasterFIP computer to communicate with a DIOT crate, display diagnostics,
display status of WIC current loops and provide buttons to drive WIC test
......@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
# Date: Mon Jul 30 12:30:24 2018
new_project -location {./gefe_test} -name {gefe_test} -project_description {} -block_mode 0 -standalone_peripheral_initialization 0 -use_enhanced_constraint_flow 0 -hdl {VHDL} -family {ProASIC3E} -die {A3PE3000} -package {896 FBGA} -speed {STD} -die_voltage {1.5} -part_range {COM} -adv_options {IO_DEFT_STD:LVCMOS 2.5V} -adv_options {RESTRICTPROBEPINS:1} -adv_options {RESTRICTSPIPINS:0} -adv_options {TEMPR:COM} -adv_options {VCCI_1.5_VOLTR:COM} -adv_options {VCCI_1.8_VOLTR:COM} -adv_options {VCCI_2.5_VOLTR:COM} -adv_options {VCCI_3.3_VOLTR:COM} -adv_options {VOLTR:COM}
new_project -location {./diot_wic_demo} -name {diot_wic_demo} -project_description {} -block_mode 0 -standalone_peripheral_initialization 0 -use_enhanced_constraint_flow 0 -hdl {VHDL} -family {ProASIC3E} -die {A3PE3000} -package {896 FBGA} -speed {STD} -die_voltage {1.5} -part_range {COM} -adv_options {IO_DEFT_STD:LVCMOS 2.5V} -adv_options {RESTRICTPROBEPINS:1} -adv_options {RESTRICTSPIPINS:0} -adv_options {TEMPR:COM} -adv_options {VCCI_1.5_VOLTR:COM} -adv_options {VCCI_1.8_VOLTR:COM} -adv_options {VCCI_2.5_VOLTR:COM} -adv_options {VCCI_3.3_VOLTR:COM} -adv_options {VOLTR:COM}
import_files \
-convert_EDN_to_HDL 0
create_links \
-convert_EDN_to_HDL 0 \
-hdl_source {../top/gefe_test/gefe_top.vhd} \
-hdl_source {../top/diot_wic_demo/diot_wic_top.vhd} \
-hdl_source {../rtl/wic_modules/wic_pkg.vhd} \
-hdl_source {../ip_cores/general-cores/modules/common/gc_sync_ffs.vhd} \
-hdl_source {../ip_cores/general-cores/modules/wishbone/wb_i2c_master/i2c_master_bit_ctrl.vhd} \
......@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ import_files \
-convert_EDN_to_HDL 0
create_links \
-convert_EDN_to_HDL 0 \
-pdc {../top/gefe_test/gefe_top.pdc} \
-sdc {../top/gefe_test/gefe_top_sdc.sdc}
organize_tool_files -tool {SYNTHESIZE} -file {../top/gefe_test/gefe_top_sdc.sdc} -module {gefe_top::work} -input_type {constraint}
organize_tool_files -tool {COMPILE} -file {../top/gefe_test/gefe_top.pdc} -module {gefe_top::work} -input_type {constraint}
organize_tool_files -tool {COMPILE} -file {../top/gefe_test/gefe_top.pdc} -file {../top/gefe_test/gefe_top_sdc.sdc} -module {gefe_top::work} -input_type {constraint}
-pdc {../top/diot_wic_demo/diot_wic_demo.pdc} \
-sdc {../top/diot_wic_demo/diot_wic_demo.sdc}
organize_tool_files -tool {SYNTHESIZE} -file {../top/diot_wic_demo/diot_wic_demo.sdc} -module {diot_wic_top::work} -input_type {constraint}
organize_tool_files -tool {COMPILE} -file {../top/diot_wic_demo/diot_wic_demo.pdc} -module {diot_wic_top::work} -input_type {constraint}
organize_tool_files -tool {COMPILE} -file {../top/diot_wic_demo/diot_wic_demo.pdc} -file {../top/diot_wic_demo/diot_wic_demo.sdc} -module {diot_wic_top::work} -input_type {constraint}
files = ["diot_wic_top.vhd"];
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Clocks
create_clock -name {gefe_top|clk_25m_i} -period 40.000000 -waveform {0.000000 20.000000} clk_25m_i
create_clock -name {diot_wic_top|clk_25m_i} -period 40.000000 -waveform {0.000000 20.000000} clk_25m_i
# False Paths Between Clocks
-- Title : DIOT WIC GEFE
-- Title : DIOT WIC Demonstrator
-- Project : Distributed I/O Tier
-- File : gefe_top.vhd
-- File : diot_wic_top.vhd
-- Author : Greg Daniluk <>
-- Company : CERN (BE-CO-HT)
-- Standard : VHDL
-- Description:
-- DIOT top module with DIOT WIC. Done for first gateware tests in hardware,
-- while we are waiting for the first System Board to be produced.
-- DIOT top module with for Warm Interlocks Controller demo.
-- Copyright (c) 2018 CERN
......@@ -37,7 +36,7 @@ use work.diag_pkg.all;
library unisim;
use unisim.vcomponents.all;
entity gefe_top is
entity diot_wic_top is
port (
clk_25m_i : in std_logic;
por_n_b : inout std_logic; -- Power-on-reset according to Application note AC380
......@@ -96,9 +95,9 @@ entity gefe_top is
leds_o : out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0)
end gefe_top;
end diot_wic_top;
architecture rtl of gefe_top is
architecture rtl of diot_wic_top is
component BIBUF_LVCMOS25
port (
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