Commit 24ac5c0e authored by Michal Gaska's avatar Michal Gaska

footprints issue solved

parent 19055978
EESchema-LIBRARY Version 2.4
#encoding utf-8
# P12V-power2-CPCI-Backplane-rescue
DEF P12V-power2-CPCI-Backplane-rescue #PWR 0 0 Y Y 1 F P
F0 "#PWR" 0 -150 50 H I C CNN
F1 "P12V-power2-CPCI-Backplane-rescue" 0 140 50 H V C CNN
F2 "" 0 0 50 H I C CNN
F3 "" 0 0 50 H I C CNN
P 2 0 1 0 -30 50 0 100 N
P 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 100 N
P 2 0 1 0 0 100 30 50 N
X P12V 1 0 0 0 U 50 50 1 1 W N
# P5V-power2-CPCI-Backplane-rescue
DEF P5V-power2-CPCI-Backplane-rescue #PWR 0 0 Y Y 1 F P
F0 "#PWR" 0 -150 50 H I C CNN
F1 "P5V-power2-CPCI-Backplane-rescue" 0 140 50 H V C CNN
F2 "" 0 0 50 H I C CNN
F3 "" 0 0 50 H I C CNN
P 2 0 1 0 -30 50 0 100 N
P 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 100 N
P 2 0 1 0 0 100 30 50 N
X P5V 1 0 0 0 U 50 50 1 1 W N
# Vext1-powerMG
DEF Vext1-powerMG #PWR 0 0 Y Y 1 F P
......@@ -31,4 +61,64 @@ X Vext2 1 0 0 0 U 50 50 1 1 W N
# WURTH_7461057-Fasteners_&_Fixings-CPCI-Backplane-rescue
DEF WURTH_7461057-Fasteners_&_Fixings-CPCI-Backplane-rescue BUSH 0 50 Y Y 1 L N
F0 "BUSH" 150 100 50 H V L CNN
F1 "WURTH_7461057-Fasteners_&_Fixings-CPCI-Backplane-rescue" 0 -145 50 H I L CNN
F2 "Fasteners & Fixings:WURTH_7461057" 0 -220 50 H I L CNN
F3 " " 0 -295 50 H I L CNN
F4 "M3" 600 100 50 H V L CNN "Val"
F5 "WURTH_7461057" 0 -370 50 H I L CNN "Part Number"
F6 "Bush" 0 -445 50 H I L CNN "Library Ref"
F7 "SchLib\\Fasteners & Fixings.SchLib" 0 -520 50 H I L CNN "Library Path"
F8 "M3" 0 -595 50 H I L CNN "Comment"
F9 "Standard" 0 -670 50 H I L CNN "Component Kind"
F10 "Standard" 0 -745 50 H I L CNN "Component Type"
F11 "6" 0 -820 50 H I L CNN "Pin Count"
F12 " " 0 -895 50 H I L CNN "Case"
F13 "PcbLib\\Fasteners & Fixings.PcbLib" 0 -970 50 H I L CNN "Footprint Path"
F14 "WURTH_7461057" 0 -1045 50 H I L CNN "Footprint Ref"
F15 "7x7x6mm REDCUBE Press-Fit with Internsl Threaded Hole M3,Two Rows Pin-Plate WP-BUTR" 0 -1120 50 H I L CNN "PackageDescription"
F16 " " 0 -1195 50 H I L CNN "Family"
F17 "Yes" 0 -1270 50 H I L CNN "Mounted"
F18 "No" 0 -1345 50 H I L CNN "Socket"
F19 "No" 0 -1420 50 H I L CNN "SMD"
F20 "Yes" 0 -1495 50 H I L CNN "PressFit"
F21 "No" 0 -1570 50 H I L CNN "Sense"
F22 " " 0 -1645 50 H I L CNN "Sense Comment"
F23 "None" 0 -1720 50 H I L CNN "Status"
F24 " " 0 -1795 50 H I L CNN "Status Comment"
F25 " " 0 -1870 50 H I L CNN "SCEM"
F26 "REDCUBE Press-Fit Bush With Threaded Hole M3 and Two Rows Pin-Plate WP-BUTR" 0 -1945 50 H I L CNN "Part Description"
F27 "WURTH" 0 -2020 50 H I L CNN "Manufacturer"
F28 "7461057" 0 -2095 50 H I L CNN "Manufacturer Part Number"
F29 "6mm" 0 -2170 50 H I L CNN "ComponentHeight"
F30 " " 0 -2245 50 H I L CNN "Manufacturer1 Example"
F31 " " 0 -2320 50 H I L CNN "Manufacturer1 Part Number"
F32 " " 0 -2395 50 H I L CNN "Manufacturer1 ComponentHeight"
F33 " " 0 -2470 50 H I L CNN "ComponentLink1Description"
F34 " " 0 -2545 50 H I L CNN "ComponentLink2Description"
F35 "CERN DEM JLC" 0 -2620 50 H I L CNN "Author"
F36 "08/13/18 00:00:00" 0 -2695 50 H I L CNN "CreateDate"
F37 "08/13/18 00:00:00" 0 -2770 50 H I L CNN "LatestRevisionDate"
F38 "Fasteners & Fixings" 0 -2845 50 H I L CNN "Database Table Name"
F39 "Eletro-mechanical.DbLib" 0 -2920 50 H I L CNN "Library Name"
F40 "Fasteners & Fixings" 0 -2995 50 H I L CNN "Footprint Library"
F41 "This work is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 4.0 License. To the extent that circuit schematics that use Licensed Material can be considered to be ‘Adapted Material’, then the copyright holder waives article 3.b of the license with respect to these schematics." 0 -3070 50 H I L CNN "License"
P 2 0 1 10 0 50 100 50 N
P 2 0 1 0 20 100 20 150 N
P 2 0 1 0 25 80 25 150 N
P 2 0 1 0 25 80 50 70 N
P 2 0 1 0 75 80 25 80 N
P 2 0 1 0 75 80 50 70 N
P 2 0 1 0 75 80 75 150 N
P 2 0 1 0 80 100 20 100 N
P 2 0 1 0 80 100 80 150 N
P 6 0 1 10 0 50 0 140 10 150 90 150 100 140 100 50 N
X 1 1 0 0 50 U 0 0 0 1 B
#End Library
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ U 1 1 5E235334
P 4500 3000
F 0 "R1" H 4650 3197 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "R1206_10R_1%_0.25W_200PPM" H 4500 2790 60 0001 L CNN
F 2 "RESC3216X65N" H 4500 1980 60 0001 L CNN
F 2 "Resistors SMD:RESC3216X65N" H 4500 1980 60 0001 L CNN
F 3 "\\\\\\dfs\\Applications\\Altium\\Datasheets\\R1206_NIC_NRC.pdf" H 4500 2610 60 0001 L CNN
F 4 "10" H 4650 3106 50 0000 C CNN "~"
F 5 "R1206_10R_1%_0.25W_200PPM" H 4500 2520 60 0001 L CNN "Part Number"
......@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ U 1 1 5E6542EE
P 4500 5850
F 0 "R2" H 4650 6047 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "R1206_10R_1%_0.25W_200PPM" H 4500 5640 60 0001 L CNN
F 2 "RESC3216X65N" H 4500 4830 60 0001 L CNN
F 2 "Resistors SMD:RESC3216X65N" H 4500 4830 60 0001 L CNN
F 3 "\\\\\\dfs\\Applications\\Altium\\Datasheets\\R1206_NIC_NRC.pdf" H 4500 5460 60 0001 L CNN
F 4 "10" H 4650 5956 50 0000 C CNN "~"
F 5 "R1206_10R_1%_0.25W_200PPM" H 4500 5370 60 0001 L CNN "Part Number"
......@@ -638,50 +638,50 @@ $EndComp
L Relays:REL_FINDER_40. RL2
U 1 1 5E654349
P 5400 5850
F 0 "RL2" H 5600 6025 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "REL_FINDER_40." H 5400 5595 50 0001 L CNN
F 2 "Relays:REL_FINDER_40.52" H 5400 5520 50 0001 L CNN
F 3 " " H 5400 5445 50 0001 L CNN
F 4 " " H 5400 5145 50 0001 L CNN "Comment"
F 5 "REL_FINDER_40." H 5400 5370 50 0001 L CNN "Part Number"
F 6 "REL_FINDER_40.52" H 5400 5295 50 0001 L CNN "Library Ref"
F 7 "SchLib\\Relays.SchLib" H 5400 5220 50 0001 L CNN "Library Path"
F 8 "Standard" H 5400 5070 50 0001 L CNN "Component Kind"
F 9 "Standard" H 5400 4995 50 0001 L CNN "Component Type"
F 10 "8" H 5400 4920 50 0001 L CNN "Pin Count"
F 11 " " H 5400 4845 50 0001 L CNN "Case"
F 12 "PcbLib\\Relays.PcbLib" H 5400 4770 50 0001 L CNN "Footprint Path"
F 13 "REL_FINDER_40.52" H 5400 4695 50 0001 L CNN "Footprint Ref"
F 14 "8 Leads, 2 Poles 8A Relay, FINDER 40.52 Serie, Body 29mm x 12.4mm" H 5400 4620 50 0001 L CNN "PackageDescription"
F 15 " " H 5400 4545 50 0001 L CNN "Family"
F 16 "Yes" H 5400 4470 50 0001 L CNN "Mounted"
F 17 "No" H 5400 4395 50 0001 L CNN "Socket"
F 18 "No" H 5400 4320 50 0001 L CNN "SMD"
F 19 "No" H 5400 4245 50 0001 L CNN "PressFit"
F 20 "Yes" H 5400 4170 50 0001 L CNN "Sense"
F 21 "Non-washable" H 5400 4095 50 0001 L CNN "Sense Comment"
F 22 "Not Recommended" H 5400 4020 50 0001 L CNN "Status"
F 23 "Sensitive (See Sensitive Field)" H 5400 3945 50 0001 L CNN "Status Comment"
F 24 " " H 5400 3870 50 0001 L CNN "SCEM"
F 25 "8A, DPDT PCB Relay, 40 Series" H 5400 3795 50 0001 L CNN "Part Description"
F 26 "FINDER" H 5400 3720 50 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer"
F 27 "" H 5400 3645 50 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer Part Number"
F 28 "25mm" H 5400 3570 50 0001 L CNN "ComponentHeight"
F 29 " " H 5400 3495 50 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer1 Example"
F 30 " " H 5400 3420 50 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer1 Part Number"
F 31 " " H 5400 3345 50 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer1 ComponentHeight"
F 32 " " H 5400 3270 50 0001 L CNN "ComponentLink1Description"
F 33 " " H 5400 3195 50 0001 L CNN "ComponentLink2Description"
F 34 "CERN DEM JLC" H 5400 3120 50 0001 L CNN "Author"
F 35 "10/03/13 00:00:00" H 5400 3045 50 0001 L CNN "CreateDate"
F 36 "08/30/18 00:00:00" H 5400 2970 50 0001 L CNN "LatestRevisionDate"
F 37 "Relays" H 5400 2895 50 0001 L CNN "Database Table Name"
F 38 "Eletro-mechanical.DbLib" H 5400 2820 50 0001 L CNN "Library Name"
F 39 "Relays" H 5400 2745 50 0001 L CNN "Footprint Library"
F 40 "This work is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 4.0 License. To the extent that circuit schematics that use Licensed Material can be considered to be ‘Adapted Material’, then the copyright holder waives article 3.b of the license with respect to these schematics." H 5400 2670 50 0001 L CNN "License"
1 5400 5850
1 0 0 -1
P 5800 5850
F 0 "RL2" H 6000 6025 50 0000 C CNN
F 1 "REL_FINDER_40." H 5800 5595 50 0001 L CNN
F 2 "Relays:REL_FINDER_40.52" H 5800 5520 50 0001 L CNN
F 3 " " H 5800 5445 50 0001 L CNN
F 4 " " H 5800 5145 50 0001 L CNN "Comment"
F 5 "REL_FINDER_40." H 5800 5370 50 0001 L CNN "Part Number"
F 6 "REL_FINDER_40.52" H 5800 5295 50 0001 L CNN "Library Ref"
F 7 "SchLib\\Relays.SchLib" H 5800 5220 50 0001 L CNN "Library Path"
F 8 "Standard" H 5800 5070 50 0001 L CNN "Component Kind"
F 9 "Standard" H 5800 4995 50 0001 L CNN "Component Type"
F 10 "8" H 5800 4920 50 0001 L CNN "Pin Count"
F 11 " " H 5800 4845 50 0001 L CNN "Case"
F 12 "PcbLib\\Relays.PcbLib" H 5800 4770 50 0001 L CNN "Footprint Path"
F 13 "REL_FINDER_40.52" H 5800 4695 50 0001 L CNN "Footprint Ref"
F 14 "8 Leads, 2 Poles 8A Relay, FINDER 40.52 Serie, Body 29mm x 12.4mm" H 5800 4620 50 0001 L CNN "PackageDescription"
F 15 " " H 5800 4545 50 0001 L CNN "Family"
F 16 "Yes" H 5800 4470 50 0001 L CNN "Mounted"
F 17 "No" H 5800 4395 50 0001 L CNN "Socket"
F 18 "No" H 5800 4320 50 0001 L CNN "SMD"
F 19 "No" H 5800 4245 50 0001 L CNN "PressFit"
F 20 "Yes" H 5800 4170 50 0001 L CNN "Sense"
F 21 "Non-washable" H 5800 4095 50 0001 L CNN "Sense Comment"
F 22 "Not Recommended" H 5800 4020 50 0001 L CNN "Status"
F 23 "Sensitive (See Sensitive Field)" H 5800 3945 50 0001 L CNN "Status Comment"
F 24 " " H 5800 3870 50 0001 L CNN "SCEM"
F 25 "8A, DPDT PCB Relay, 40 Series" H 5800 3795 50 0001 L CNN "Part Description"
F 26 "FINDER" H 5800 3720 50 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer"
F 27 "" H 5800 3645 50 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer Part Number"
F 28 "25mm" H 5800 3570 50 0001 L CNN "ComponentHeight"
F 29 " " H 5800 3495 50 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer1 Example"
F 30 " " H 5800 3420 50 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer1 Part Number"
F 31 " " H 5800 3345 50 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer1 ComponentHeight"
F 32 " " H 5800 3270 50 0001 L CNN "ComponentLink1Description"
F 33 " " H 5800 3195 50 0001 L CNN "ComponentLink2Description"
F 34 "CERN DEM JLC" H 5800 3120 50 0001 L CNN "Author"
F 35 "10/03/13 00:00:00" H 5800 3045 50 0001 L CNN "CreateDate"
F 36 "08/30/18 00:00:00" H 5800 2970 50 0001 L CNN "LatestRevisionDate"
F 37 "Relays" H 5800 2895 50 0001 L CNN "Database Table Name"
F 38 "Eletro-mechanical.DbLib" H 5800 2820 50 0001 L CNN "Library Name"
F 39 "Relays" H 5800 2745 50 0001 L CNN "Footprint Library"
F 40 "This work is licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 4.0 License. To the extent that circuit schematics that use Licensed Material can be considered to be ‘Adapted Material’, then the copyright holder waives article 3.b of the license with respect to these schematics." H 5800 2670 50 0001 L CNN "License"
1 5800 5850
-1 0 0 -1
L Relays:REL_FINDER_40. RL2
......@@ -2755,17 +2755,17 @@
(clearance 3))
(module Pads:MTG270_500 (layer Top_PWR.Cu) (tedit 5DEF841E) (tstamp 5D68C171)
(at 99.06 147)
(module Pads:MTG270_500 (layer Top_PWR.Cu) (tedit 5E67F5B4) (tstamp 5D68C171)
(at 99.06 175.5)
(descr "Plated Through Hole: Hole Dia.=2.7mm Pad Dia.=5.0mm")
(path /5D8B9FA3)
(fp_text reference B2 (at 0 -3.602) (layer F.SilkS) hide
(fp_text reference B2 (at 0.5588 -1.585) (layer F.SilkS) hide
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(fp_text value PLATED_HOLE2.7_PAD5.0 (at 0 3.602) (layer F.Fab) hide
(effects (font (size 1 1) (thickness 0.15)))
(pad 1 thru_hole circle (at 0 28.5) (size 8 8) (drill 2.7) (layers *.Cu B.Mask)
(pad 1 thru_hole circle (at 0 0) (size 8 8) (drill 2.7) (layers *.Cu B.Mask)
(net 7 GND))
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