Commit cd45da45 authored by Denia Bouhired-Ferrag's avatar Denia Bouhired-Ferrag

SW: Added hw version check before start of tests

parent 75871b0f
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
## Import
import sys
import ptsexcept
import ptsdefine
......@@ -193,7 +193,41 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
except BusWarning, e:
print "Warning:Bus Exception: %s" % (e)
# Start running the tests.
# Test version of HW/PCB before running any other tests
tname = "hwvertest"
# First load a firmware and read back a register to confirm correct load.
if bus.vv_load() == 0:
msg = "INFO: Found CONV-TTL-RS485 board in slot %d\n" % (lun)
inf.write(msg + '\n')
# The test is passed the test name, the log and info files and the
# bus object. The test program returns the number of errors that
# occured. If no errors occur, the test PASSes, otherwise it FAILs.
cc = run_test(tname,bus,inf,log)
if cc == 0:
msg = "PASS: %s" % (tname)
log.write(msg + '\n')
inf.write(msg + '\n')
print msg
msg = "FAIL: %s->%s" % (tname, lnk_ptr(tname))
log.write(msg + '\n')
inf.write(msg + '\n')
print msg
except Exception, e:
if options.debug:
print e
msg = "FAIL: %s->%s (%s)" % (tname, lnk_ptr(tname), e)
log.write(msg + '\n')
inf.write(msg + '\n')
print msg
# Start running the tests, only if the HW/PCB version is OK
if cc == 0:
for t in tns:
tname = "test%02d" % t[0]
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