Commit 283b0325 authored by Projects's avatar Projects

tests/pulse_rejection: generated pulsegen command specifies pulse width

parent cc1d6075
......@@ -45,7 +45,9 @@ if convttl.status.gw_version[0] != 4:
# selectt the test data set depending on the pulse duration switch
# short pulse
print("Running short pulse tests")
mode = "short"
max_freq = 2e6
pulse_len = 250e-9
tests = (
{'freq': 2000000, 'pulses': 2e6},
......@@ -56,10 +58,11 @@ if(convttl.status.switch[1]):
{'freq': 571000, 'pulses': 571000 * 120, 'continuous': True}
max_freq = 2e6
# long pulse
print("Running long pulse tests")
mode = "long"
max_freq = 105e3
pulse_len = 1.2e-6
tests = (
# {'freq': 104166, 'pulses': 104166},
......@@ -71,7 +74,7 @@ else:
{'freq': 52083, 'pulses': 52083 * 120, 'continuous': True},
max_freq = 105e3
print("Running %s pulse tests" % mode)
# run tests
for test in tests:
......@@ -93,7 +96,7 @@ for test in tests:
print("TEST: repeat %d pulses at %d Hz" % (pulses, freq))
print("Start the pulse burst generator (%d pulses)" % int(pulses))
print(" ./ -c %d -f %F" % (pulses, freq))
print(" ./ -c %d -f %F -w %G" % (pulses, freq, pulse_len))
print("Pulse counters:")
......@@ -156,7 +159,7 @@ for test in tests:
print("TEST: reject pulses after repeating %d pulses at %d Hz" % (pulses, freq))
print("Start the pulse burst generator (%d pulses)" % (pulses * 2))
print(" ./ -c %d -f %F" % (pulses * 2, freq))
print(" ./ -c %d -f %F -w %G" % (pulses * 2, freq, pulse_len))
print("Pulse counters:")
......@@ -229,7 +232,7 @@ print("------")
print("TEST: reject pulses at too high frequency (FLIM_MISSED bit)")
print("Start the pulse burst generator (%d pulses at %d Hz" % (pulses, freq))
print(" ./ -c %d -f %F" % (pulses, freq))
print(" ./ -c %d -f %F -w %G" % (pulses, freq, pulse_len))
test_run = True
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