Commit d488b60c authored by Theodor-Adrian Stana's avatar Theodor-Adrian Stana

hdl: Use conv-common-gw in golden gateware

parent 3c436187
......@@ -341,360 +341,375 @@
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<association xil_pn:name="Implementation" xil_pn:seqID="120"/>
<file xil_pn:name="../../ip_cores/conv-common-gw/ip_cores/general-cores/platform/xilinx/wb_xil_multiboot/spi_master.vhd" xil_pn:type="FILE_VHDL">
<association xil_pn:name="Implementation" xil_pn:seqID="121"/>
<file xil_pn:name="../../ip_cores/conv-common-gw/ip_cores/general-cores/platform/xilinx/wb_xil_multiboot/multiboot_fsm.vhd" xil_pn:type="FILE_VHDL">
<association xil_pn:name="Implementation" xil_pn:seqID="122"/>
<file xil_pn:name="../../ip_cores/conv-common-gw/ip_cores/general-cores/platform/xilinx/wb_xil_multiboot/multiboot_regs.vhd" xil_pn:type="FILE_VHDL">
<association xil_pn:name="Implementation" xil_pn:seqID="123"/>
<file xil_pn:name="../../ip_cores/conv-common-gw/ip_cores/general-cores/platform/xilinx/wb_xil_multiboot/xwb_xil_multiboot.vhd" xil_pn:type="FILE_VHDL">
<association xil_pn:name="Implementation" xil_pn:seqID="124"/>
xc3sprog -p 0 -c xpc flash_load.bit
xc3sprog -p 0 -c xpc -I conv_ttl_blo.bit:W:0
......@@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ files = [
modules = {
"local" : [
##-- CERN (BE-CO-HT)
##-- Glitch filter with selectable length
##-- author: Theodor Stana (
##-- Carlos-Gil Soriano
##-- date of creation: 2013-04-26
##-- version: 1.0
##-- description:
##-- This file contains the pin definitions for the CONV-TTL-BLO FPGA. The pin
##-- names reflect those of net names at the schematic level. To keep to CERN
##-- coding standards ( and make the code more
##-- readable, the pin names have been lowercased and the pin type is indicated
##-- by its suffix. The suffix "_i" indicates an input pin, "_o" an output pin
##-- and "_b" a bidirectional pin.
##-- An example of net name change is given below:
##-- LED_WR_OWNADDR_I2C -> led_wr_ownaddr_i2c_o
##-- Apart from this, some pins have been renamed completely and do not resemble
##-- the schematics. These pins are:
##-- TTL/INV_TTL_N -> ttl_switch_n_i
##-- dependencies:
##-- references:
##-- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
##-- under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
##-- Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
##-- option) any later version. This source is distributed in the hope that it
##-- will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
##-- See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have
##-- received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
##-- source; if not, download it from
##-- last changes:
##-- 2013-04-26 Theodor Stana File modified
##-- TODO: -
##-- Default attributes
##-- SLEW = "SLOW"
##-- DRIVE = "12"
# UCF defintions file for CONV-TTL-BLO gateware
# author: Theodor Stana (
# date of creation: 2013-04-26
# version: 1.0
# description:
# This file contains the pin definitions for the CONV-TTL-BLO FPGA.
# references:
# [1] CONV-TTL-BLO schematics from latest version of project at:
# This source file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version. This source is distributed in the hope that it
# will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
# See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have
# received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
# source; if not, download it from
# last changes:
# 2013-04-26 Theodor Stana File modified
# TODO: -
NET "clk_20_i" LOC = E16;
NET "clk_20_i" TNM_NET = "clk_20_vcxo_i";
TIMESPEC TSCLK20 = PERIOD "clk_20_vcxo_i" 20 MHz HIGH 50 %;
NET "clk_125_p_i" LOC = H12;
NET "clk_125_n_i" LOC = G11;
NET "clk_125_p_i" TNM_NET = "clk_125";
TIMESPEC TSCLK125 = PERIOD "clk_125" 125 MHz HIGH 50 %;
#NET "rst_i" LOC = N20;
#NET "fpga_sysreset_n_i" LOC = L20;
NET "mr_n_o" LOC = T22;
NET "clk20_vcxo_i" LOC = E16;
NET "clk20_vcxo_i" TNM_NET = "clk20_vcxo_i";
TIMESPEC TSCLK20 = PERIOD "clk20_vcxo_i" 20 MHz HIGH 50 %;
NET "fpga_clk_p_i" LOC = H12;
NET "fpga_clk_n_i" LOC = G11;
NET "fpga_clk_p_i" TNM_NET = "clk125";
TIMESPEC TSCLK125 = PERIOD "clk125" 125 MHz HIGH 50 %;
##-- Status LEDs
NET "ttl_n_i[0]" LOC = T2;
NET "ttl_n_i[0]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "ttl_n_i[1]" LOC = U3;
NET "ttl_n_i[1]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "ttl_n_i[2]" LOC = V5;
NET "ttl_n_i[2]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "ttl_n_i[3]" LOC = W4;
NET "ttl_n_i[3]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "ttl_n_i[4]" LOC = T6;
NET "ttl_n_i[4]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "ttl_n_i[5]" LOC = T3;
NET "ttl_n_i[5]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "ttl_o[0]" LOC = C1;
NET "ttl_o[1]" LOC = F2;
NET "ttl_o[2]" LOC = F5;
NET "ttl_o[3]" LOC = H4;
NET "ttl_o[4]" LOC = J4;
NET "ttl_o[5]" LOC = H2;
NET "inv_n_i[0]" LOC = V2;
NET "inv_n_i[0]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "inv_n_i[1]" LOC = W3;
NET "inv_n_i[1]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "inv_n_i[2]" LOC = Y2;
NET "inv_n_i[2]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "inv_n_i[3]" LOC = AA2;
NET "inv_n_i[3]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "inv_o[0]" LOC = J3;
NET "inv_o[1]" LOC = L3;
NET "inv_o[2]" LOC = M3;
NET "inv_o[3]" LOC = P2;
# Channel LEDs
NET "led_front_n_o[0]" LOC = H5;
NET "led_front_n_o[0]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "led_front_n_o[0]" DRIVE = 4;
NET "led_front_n_o[0]" SLEW = QUIETIO;
NET "led_front_n_o[1]" LOC = J6;
NET "led_front_n_o[1]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "led_front_n_o[1]" DRIVE = 4;
NET "led_front_n_o[1]" SLEW = QUIETIO;
NET "led_front_n_o[2]" LOC = K6;
NET "led_front_n_o[2]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "led_front_n_o[2]" DRIVE = 4;
NET "led_front_n_o[2]" SLEW = QUIETIO;
NET "led_front_n_o[3]" LOC = K5;
NET "led_front_n_o[3]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "led_front_n_o[3]" DRIVE = 4;
NET "led_front_n_o[3]" SLEW = QUIETIO;
NET "led_front_n_o[4]" LOC = M7;
NET "led_front_n_o[4]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "led_front_n_o[4]" DRIVE = 4;
NET "led_front_n_o[4]" SLEW = QUIETIO;
NET "led_front_n_o[5]" LOC = M6;
NET "led_front_n_o[5]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "led_front_n_o[5]" DRIVE = 4;
NET "led_front_n_o[5]" SLEW = QUIETIO;
# Status LEDs
NET "led_ctrl0_o" LOC = M18;
NET "led_ctrl0_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
......@@ -106,260 +164,179 @@ NET "led_wr_ok_syspw_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "led_wr_ownaddr_i2c_o" LOC = N15;
NET "led_wr_ownaddr_i2c_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
##-- Front channel LEDs
NET "pulse_front_led_n_o[1]" LOC = H5;
NET "pulse_front_led_n_o[1]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "pulse_front_led_n_o[1]" DRIVE = 4;
NET "pulse_front_led_n_o[1]" SLEW = QUIETIO;
NET "pulse_front_led_n_o[2]" LOC = J6;
NET "pulse_front_led_n_o[2]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "pulse_front_led_n_o[2]" DRIVE = 4;
NET "pulse_front_led_n_o[2]" SLEW = QUIETIO;
NET "pulse_front_led_n_o[3]" LOC = K6;
NET "pulse_front_led_n_o[3]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "pulse_front_led_n_o[3]" DRIVE = 4;
NET "pulse_front_led_n_o[3]" SLEW = QUIETIO;
NET "pulse_front_led_n_o[4]" LOC = K5;
NET "pulse_front_led_n_o[4]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "pulse_front_led_n_o[4]" DRIVE = 4;
NET "pulse_front_led_n_o[4]" SLEW = QUIETIO;
NET "pulse_front_led_n_o[5]" LOC = M7;
NET "pulse_front_led_n_o[5]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "pulse_front_led_n_o[5]" DRIVE = 4;
NET "pulse_front_led_n_o[5]" SLEW = QUIETIO;
NET "pulse_front_led_n_o[6]" LOC = M6;
NET "pulse_front_led_n_o[6]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "pulse_front_led_n_o[6]" DRIVE = 4;
NET "pulse_front_led_n_o[6]" SLEW = QUIETIO;
##-- Rear LEDs
NET "pulse_rear_led_n_o[1]" LOC = AB17;
NET "pulse_rear_led_n_o[1]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "pulse_rear_led_n_o[1]" DRIVE = 4;
NET "pulse_rear_led_n_o[1]" SLEW = QUIETIO;
NET "pulse_rear_led_n_o[2]" LOC = AB19;
NET "pulse_rear_led_n_o[2]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "pulse_rear_led_n_o[2]" DRIVE = 4;
NET "pulse_rear_led_n_o[2]" SLEW = QUIETIO;
NET "pulse_rear_led_n_o[3]" LOC = AA16;
NET "pulse_rear_led_n_o[3]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "pulse_rear_led_n_o[3]" DRIVE = 4;
NET "pulse_rear_led_n_o[3]" SLEW = QUIETIO;
NET "pulse_rear_led_n_o[4]" LOC = AA18;
NET "pulse_rear_led_n_o[4]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "pulse_rear_led_n_o[4]" DRIVE = 4;
NET "pulse_rear_led_n_o[4]" SLEW = QUIETIO;
NET "pulse_rear_led_n_o[5]" LOC = AB16;
NET "pulse_rear_led_n_o[5]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "pulse_rear_led_n_o[5]" DRIVE = 4;
NET "pulse_rear_led_n_o[5]" SLEW = QUIETIO;
NET "pulse_rear_led_n_o[6]" LOC = AB18;
NET "pulse_rear_led_n_o[6]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "pulse_rear_led_n_o[6]" DRIVE = 4;
NET "pulse_rear_led_n_o[6]" SLEW = QUIETIO;
##-- TTL trigger I/O
NET "fpga_input_ttl_n_i[1]" LOC = T2;
NET "fpga_input_ttl_n_i[1]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_input_ttl_n_i[1]" CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE = FALSE;
NET "fpga_input_ttl_n_i[2]" LOC = U3;
NET "fpga_input_ttl_n_i[2]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_input_ttl_n_i[2]" CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE = FALSE;
NET "fpga_input_ttl_n_i[3]" LOC = V5;
NET "fpga_input_ttl_n_i[3]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_input_ttl_n_i[3]" CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE = FALSE;
NET "fpga_input_ttl_n_i[4]" LOC = W4;
NET "fpga_input_ttl_n_i[4]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_input_ttl_n_i[4]" CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE = FALSE;
NET "fpga_input_ttl_n_i[5]" LOC = T6;
NET "fpga_input_ttl_n_i[5]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_input_ttl_n_i[5]" CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE = FALSE;
NET "fpga_input_ttl_n_i[6]" LOC = T3;
NET "fpga_input_ttl_n_i[6]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_input_ttl_n_i[6]" CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE = FALSE;
NET "fpga_out_ttl_o[1]" LOC = C1;
NET "fpga_out_ttl_o[1]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_out_ttl_o[2]" LOC = F2;
NET "fpga_out_ttl_o[2]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_out_ttl_o[3]" LOC = F5;
NET "fpga_out_ttl_o[3]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_out_ttl_o[4]" LOC = H4;
NET "fpga_out_ttl_o[4]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_out_ttl_o[5]" LOC = J4;
NET "fpga_out_ttl_o[5]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_out_ttl_o[6]" LOC = H2;
NET "fpga_out_ttl_o[6]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
##-- Inverted TTL I/O
NET "inv_in_n_i[1]" LOC = V2;
NET "inv_in_n_i[1]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "inv_in_n_i[2]" LOC = W3;
NET "inv_in_n_i[2]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "inv_in_n_i[3]" LOC = Y2;
NET "inv_in_n_i[3]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "inv_in_n_i[4]" LOC = AA2;
NET "inv_in_n_i[4]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "inv_out_o[1]" LOC = J3;
NET "inv_out_o[1]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "inv_out_o[2]" LOC = L3;
NET "inv_out_o[2]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "inv_out_o[3]" LOC = M3;
NET "inv_out_o[3]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "inv_out_o[4]" LOC = P2;
NET "inv_out_o[4]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
##-- RTM signals
##-- Blocking I/O
NET "fpga_blo_in_i[1]" LOC = Y9;
NET "fpga_blo_in_i[1]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_blo_in_i[2]" LOC = AA10;
NET "fpga_blo_in_i[2]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_blo_in_i[3]" LOC = W12;
NET "fpga_blo_in_i[3]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_blo_in_i[4]" LOC = AA6;
NET "fpga_blo_in_i[4]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_blo_in_i[5]" LOC = Y7;
NET "fpga_blo_in_i[5]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_blo_in_i[6]" LOC = AA8;
NET "fpga_blo_in_i[6]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_trig_blo_o[1]" LOC = W9;
NET "fpga_trig_blo_o[1]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_trig_blo_o[2]" LOC = T10;
NET "fpga_trig_blo_o[2]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_trig_blo_o[3]" LOC = V7;
NET "fpga_trig_blo_o[3]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_trig_blo_o[4]" LOC = U9;
NET "fpga_trig_blo_o[4]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_trig_blo_o[5]" LOC = T8;
NET "fpga_trig_blo_o[5]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_trig_blo_o[6]" LOC = R9;
NET "fpga_trig_blo_o[6]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
##-- I2C lines
# Rear panel signals
# Blocking I/O
NET "blo_i[0]" LOC = Y9;
NET "blo_i[1]" LOC = AA10;
NET "blo_i[2]" LOC = W12;
NET "blo_i[3]" LOC = AA6;
NET "blo_i[4]" LOC = Y7;
NET "blo_i[5]" LOC = AA8;
NET "blo_o[0]" LOC = W9;
NET "blo_o[1]" LOC = T10;
NET "blo_o[2]" LOC = V7;
NET "blo_o[3]" LOC = U9;
NET "blo_o[4]" LOC = T8;
NET "blo_o[5]" LOC = R9;
# Channel LEDs
NET "led_rear_n_o[0]" LOC = AB17;
NET "led_rear_n_o[0]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "led_rear_n_o[0]" DRIVE = 4;
NET "led_rear_n_o[0]" SLEW = QUIETIO;
NET "led_rear_n_o[1]" LOC = AB19;
NET "led_rear_n_o[1]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "led_rear_n_o[1]" DRIVE = 4;
NET "led_rear_n_o[1]" SLEW = QUIETIO;
NET "led_rear_n_o[2]" LOC = AA16;
NET "led_rear_n_o[2]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "led_rear_n_o[2]" DRIVE = 4;
NET "led_rear_n_o[2]" SLEW = QUIETIO;
NET "led_rear_n_o[3]" LOC = AA18;
NET "led_rear_n_o[3]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "led_rear_n_o[3]" DRIVE = 4;
NET "led_rear_n_o[3]" SLEW = QUIETIO;
NET "led_rear_n_o[4]" LOC = AB16;
NET "led_rear_n_o[4]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "led_rear_n_o[4]" DRIVE = 4;
NET "led_rear_n_o[4]" SLEW = QUIETIO;
NET "led_rear_n_o[5]" LOC = AB18;
NET "led_rear_n_o[5]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "led_rear_n_o[5]" DRIVE = 4;
NET "led_rear_n_o[5]" SLEW = QUIETIO;
# Channel enable signals
NET "global_oen_o" LOC = R3;
NET "global_oen_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "global_oen_o" DRIVE = 4;
NET "global_oen_o" SLEW = QUIETIO;
NET "ttl_oen_o" LOC = N3;
NET "ttl_oen_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "ttl_oen_o" DRIVE = 4;
NET "ttl_oen_o" SLEW = QUIETIO;
NET "inv_oen_o" LOC = P6;
NET "inv_oen_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "inv_oen_o" DRIVE = 4;
NET "inv_oen_o" SLEW = QUIETIO;
NET "blo_oen_o" LOC = P5;
NET "blo_oen_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "blo_oen_o" DRIVE = 4;
NET "blo_oen_o" SLEW = QUIETIO;
# I2C lines
NET "scl_i" LOC = F19;
NET "scl_o" LOC = E20;
NET "scl_o" DRIVE = 4;
NET "scl_oe_o" LOC = H18;
NET "scl_oe_o" DRIVE = 4;
# NET "scl_oe_o" PULLDOWN;
NET "scl_en_o" LOC = H18;
NET "scl_en_o" DRIVE = 4;
NET "sda_i" LOC = G20;
NET "sda_o" LOC = F20;
NET "sda_o" SLEW = FAST;
NET "sda_o" DRIVE = 4;
# NET "sda_o" PULLUP;
NET "sda_oe_o" LOC = J19;
NET "sda_oe_o" SLEW = FAST;
NET "sda_oe_o" DRIVE = 4;
# NET "sda_oe_o" PULLDOWN;
##-- Geographical Address
NET "fpga_ga_i[0]" LOC = H20;
NET "fpga_ga_i[0]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_ga_i[1]" LOC = J20;
NET "fpga_ga_i[1]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_ga_i[2]" LOC = K19;
NET "fpga_ga_i[2]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_ga_i[3]" LOC = K20;
NET "fpga_ga_i[3]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_ga_i[4]" LOC = L19;
NET "fpga_ga_i[4]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_gap_i" LOC = H19;
NET "fpga_gap_i" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
##-- ROM memory
NET "fpga_prom_cclk_o" LOC = Y20;
NET "fpga_prom_cclk_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_prom_cso_b_n_o" LOC = AA3;
NET "fpga_prom_cso_b_n_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_prom_miso_i" LOC = AA20;
NET "fpga_prom_miso_i" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_prom_mosi_o" LOC = AB20;
NET "fpga_prom_mosi_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
##-- Thermo for UID
NET "thermometer_b" LOC = B1;
NET "thermometer_b" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "sda_en_o" LOC = J19;
NET "sda_en_o" SLEW = FAST;
NET "sda_en_o" DRIVE = 4;
##-- DAC control
NET "fpga_plldac1_din_o" LOC = AB14;
NET "fpga_plldac1_din_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_plldac1_sclk_o" LOC = AA14;
NET "fpga_plldac1_sclk_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_plldac1_sync_n_o" LOC = AB15;
NET "fpga_plldac1_sync_n_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_plldac2_din_o" LOC = W14;
NET "fpga_plldac2_din_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_plldac2_sclk_o" LOC = Y14;
NET "fpga_plldac2_sclk_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_plldac2_sync_n_o" LOC = W13;
NET "fpga_plldac2_sync_n_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
# System reset line
NET "vme_sysreset_n_i" LOC = L20;
NET "vme_sysreset_n_i" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
##-- SFP connection
NET "fpga_sfp_los_i" LOC = G3;
NET "fpga_sfp_los_i" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_sfp_mod_def0_i" LOC = K8;
NET "fpga_sfp_mod_def0_i" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_sfp_rate_select_o" LOC = C4;
NET "fpga_sfp_rate_select_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_sfp_mod_def1_b" LOC = G4;
NET "fpga_sfp_mod_def1_b" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_sfp_mod_def2_b" LOC = F3;
NET "fpga_sfp_mod_def2_b" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_sfp_tx_disable_o" LOC = E4;
NET "fpga_sfp_tx_disable_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_sfp_tx_fault_i" LOC = D2;
NET "fpga_sfp_tx_fault_i" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
##-- FPGA MGT lines
##-- Geographical Address
#NET "fpga_mgt_clk0_p_i" LOC = A10;
#NET "fpga_mgt_clk0_n_i" LOC = B10;
NET "vme_ga_i[0]" LOC = H20;
NET "vme_ga_i[0]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "vme_ga_i[1]" LOC = J20;
NET "vme_ga_i[1]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "vme_ga_i[2]" LOC = K19;
NET "vme_ga_i[2]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "vme_ga_i[3]" LOC = K20;
NET "vme_ga_i[3]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "vme_ga_i[4]" LOC = L19;
NET "vme_ga_i[4]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "vme_gap_i" LOC = H19;
NET "vme_gap_i" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
# DAC control
NET "dac20_din_o" LOC = AB14;
NET "dac20_din_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "dac20_sclk_o" LOC = AA14;
NET "dac20_sclk_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "dac20_sync_n_o" LOC = AB15;
NET "dac20_sync_n_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "dac125_din_o" LOC = W14;
NET "dac125_din_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "dac125_sclk_o" LOC = Y14;
NET "dac125_sclk_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "dac125_sync_n_o" LOC = W13;
NET "dac125_sync_n_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
# SFP connection
NET "sfp_los_i" LOC = G3;
NET "sfp_los_i" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "sfp_mod_def0_i" LOC = K8;
NET "sfp_mod_def0_i" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "sfp_rate_select_o" LOC = C4;
NET "sfp_rate_select_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "sfp_mod_def1_b" LOC = G4;
NET "sfp_mod_def1_b" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "sfp_mod_def2_b" LOC = F3;
NET "sfp_mod_def2_b" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "sfp_tx_disable_o" LOC = E4;
NET "sfp_tx_disable_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "sfp_tx_fault_i" LOC = D2;
NET "sfp_tx_fault_i" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
# FPGA MGT lines
#NET "mgt_clk0_p_i" LOC = A10;
#NET "mgt_clk0_n_i" LOC = B10;
#NET "mgt_sfp_rx0_p_i" LOC = D7;
#NET "mgt_sfp_rx0_n_i" LOC = C7;
......@@ -367,89 +344,88 @@ NET "fpga_sfp_tx_fault_i" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
#NET "mgt_sfp_tx0_p_o" LOC = B6;
#NET "mgt_sfp_tx0_n_o" LOC = A6;
NET "fpga_oe_o" LOC = R3;
NET "fpga_oe_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_oe_o" DRIVE = 4;
NET "fpga_oe_o" SLEW = QUIETIO;
NET "fpga_blo_oe_o" LOC = P5;
NET "fpga_blo_oe_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_blo_oe_o" DRIVE = 4;
NET "fpga_blo_oe_o" SLEW = QUIETIO;
NET "fpga_trig_ttl_oe_o" LOC = N3;
NET "fpga_trig_ttl_oe_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_trig_ttl_oe_o" DRIVE = 4;
NET "fpga_trig_ttl_oe_o" SLEW = QUIETIO;
NET "fpga_inv_oe_o" LOC = P6;
NET "fpga_inv_oe_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_inv_oe_o" DRIVE = 4;
NET "fpga_inv_oe_o" SLEW = QUIETIO;
##-- Configuration Switches
NET "extra_switch_n_i[1]" LOC = F22;
NET "extra_switch_n_i[1]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "extra_switch_n_i[2]" LOC = G22;
NET "extra_switch_n_i[2]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "extra_switch_n_i[3]" LOC = H21;
NET "extra_switch_n_i[3]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "extra_switch_n_i[4]" LOC = H22;
NET "extra_switch_n_i[4]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "extra_switch_n_i[5]" LOC = J22;
NET "extra_switch_n_i[5]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "extra_switch_n_i[6]" LOC = K21;
NET "extra_switch_n_i[6]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "extra_switch_n_i[7]" LOC = K22;
NET "extra_switch_n_i[7]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "ttl_switch_n_i" LOC = L22;
NET "ttl_switch_n_i" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
# One-wire thermometer data signal
NET "thermometer_b" LOC = B1;
NET "thermometer_b" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
##-- Motherboard and piggyback IDs
NET "fpga_rtmm_n_i[0]" LOC = V21;
NET "fpga_rtmm_n_i[0]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_rtmm_n_i[1]" LOC = V22;
NET "fpga_rtmm_n_i[1]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_rtmm_n_i[2]" LOC = U22;
NET "fpga_rtmm_n_i[2]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_rtmp_n_i[0]" LOC = W22;
NET "fpga_rtmp_n_i[0]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_rtmp_n_i[1]" LOC = Y22;
NET "fpga_rtmp_n_i[1]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "fpga_rtmp_n_i[2]" LOC = Y21;
NET "fpga_rtmp_n_i[2]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
###-- General purpose
# NET "fpga_header_out_n_o[1]" LOC = F15;
# NET "fpga_header_out_n_o[1]" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33";
# NET "fpga_header_out_n_o[2]" LOC = F16;
# NET "fpga_header_out_n_o[2]" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33";
# NET "fpga_header_out_n_o[3]" LOC = F17;
# NET "fpga_header_out_n_o[3]" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33";
# NET "fpga_header_out_n_o[4]" LOC = F14;
# NET "fpga_header_out_n_o[4]" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33";
# NET "fpga_header_out_n_o[5]" LOC = H14;
# NET "fpga_header_out_n_o[5]" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33";
# NET "fpga_header_out_n_o[6]" LOC = H13;
# NET "fpga_header_out_n_o[6]" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33";
# NET "fpga_header_in_n_i[1]" LOC = A17;
# NET "fpga_header_in_n_i[1]" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33";
# NET "fpga_header_in_n_i[2]" LOC = A18;
# NET "fpga_header_in_n_i[2]" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33";
# NET "fpga_header_in_n_i[3]" LOC = B18;
# NET "fpga_header_in_n_i[3]" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33";
# NET "fpga_header_in_n_i[4]" LOC = A19;
# NET "fpga_header_in_n_i[4]" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33";
# NET "fpga_header_in_n_i[5]" LOC = A20;
# NET "fpga_header_in_n_i[5]" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33";
# NET "fpga_header_in_n_i[6]" LOC = B20;
# NET "fpga_header_in_n_i[6]" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33";
# General-purpose switches
NET "sw_gp_n_i[0]" LOC = F22;
NET "sw_gp_n_i[0]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "sw_gp_n_i[1]" LOC = G22;
NET "sw_gp_n_i[1]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "sw_gp_n_i[2]" LOC = H21;
NET "sw_gp_n_i[2]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "sw_gp_n_i[3]" LOC = H22;
NET "sw_gp_n_i[3]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "sw_gp_n_i[4]" LOC = J22;
NET "sw_gp_n_i[4]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "sw_gp_n_i[5]" LOC = K21;
NET "sw_gp_n_i[5]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "sw_gp_n_i[6]" LOC = K22;
NET "sw_gp_n_i[6]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "sw_gp_n_i[7]" LOC = L22;
NET "sw_gp_n_i[7]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
# RTM detection lines
NET "rtmm_i[0]" LOC = V21;
NET "rtmm_i[0]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "rtmm_i[1]" LOC = V22;
NET "rtmm_i[1]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "rtmm_i[2]" LOC = U22;
NET "rtmm_i[2]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "rtmp_i[0]" LOC = W22;
NET "rtmp_i[0]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "rtmp_i[1]" LOC = Y22;
NET "rtmp_i[1]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "rtmp_i[2]" LOC = Y21;
NET "rtmp_i[2]" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
# Flash memory
NET "flash_sclk_o" LOC = Y20;
NET "flash_sclk_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "flash_cs_n_o" LOC = AA3;
NET "flash_cs_n_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "flash_miso_i" LOC = AA20;
NET "flash_miso_i" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
NET "flash_mosi_o" LOC = AB20;
NET "flash_mosi_o" IOSTANDARD = LVCMOS33;
## General purpose
# NET "dbg_header_n_o[0]" LOC = F15;
# NET "dbg_header_n_o[0]" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33";
# NET "dbg_header_n_o[1]" LOC = F16;
# NET "dbg_header_n_o[1]" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33";
# NET "dbg_header_n_o[2]" LOC = F17;
# NET "dbg_header_n_o[2]" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33";
# NET "dbg_header_n_o[3]" LOC = F14;
# NET "dbg_header_n_o[3]" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33";
# NET "dbg_header_n_o[4]" LOC = H14;
# NET "dbg_header_n_o[4]" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33";
# NET "dbg_header_n_o[5]" LOC = H13;
# NET "dbg_header_n_o[5]" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33";
# NET "dbg_header_n_i[0]" LOC = A17;
# NET "dbg_header_n_i[0]" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33";
# NET "dbg_header_n_i[1]" LOC = A18;
# NET "dbg_header_n_i[1]" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33";
# NET "dbg_header_n_i[2]" LOC = B18;
# NET "dbg_header_n_i[2]" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33";
# NET "dbg_header_n_i[3]" LOC = A19;
# NET "dbg_header_n_i[3]" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33";
# NET "dbg_header_n_i[4]" LOC = A20;
# NET "dbg_header_n_i[4]" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33";
# NET "dbg_header_n_i[5]" LOC = B20;
# NET "dbg_header_n_i[5]" IOSTANDARD = "LVCMOS33";
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
-- author: Theodor Stana (
-- Carlos-Gil-Soriano
-- version: 0.0 -- golden firmware version
-- version: 1.0
-- description:
-- This is the top-level file for the CONV-TTL-BLO board. It instantiates all
......@@ -45,386 +45,176 @@
-- TODO: -
library ieee;
library unisim;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use unisim.vcomponents.all;
use work.bicolor_led_ctrl_pkg.all;
use work.wishbone_pkg.all;
use work.gencores_pkg.all;
use work.wishbone_pkg.all;
use work.conv_common_gw_pkg.all;
entity conv_ttl_blo is
g_nr_ttl_chan : natural := 6;
g_nr_inv_chan : natural := 4
-- Clocks
-- 20 MHz from VCXO
clk20_vcxo_i : in std_logic;
-- 125 MHz from clock generator
fpga_clk_p_i : in std_logic;
fpga_clk_n_i : in std_logic;
-- LEDs
led_ctrl0_o : out std_logic;
led_ctrl0_oen_o : out std_logic;
led_ctrl1_o : out std_logic;
led_ctrl1_oen_o : out std_logic;
led_multicast_2_0_o : out std_logic;
led_multicast_3_1_o : out std_logic;
led_wr_gmt_ttl_ttln_o : out std_logic;
led_wr_link_syserror_o : out std_logic;
led_wr_ok_syspw_o : out std_logic;
led_wr_ownaddr_i2c_o : out std_logic;
-- I/Os for pulses
pulse_front_led_n_o : out std_logic_vector(g_nr_ttl_chan downto 1);
pulse_rear_led_n_o : out std_logic_vector(g_nr_ttl_chan downto 1);
fpga_input_ttl_n_i : in std_logic_vector(g_nr_ttl_chan downto 1);
fpga_out_ttl_o : out std_logic_vector(g_nr_ttl_chan downto 1);
fpga_blo_in_i : in std_logic_vector(g_nr_ttl_chan downto 1);
fpga_trig_blo_o : out std_logic_vector(g_nr_ttl_chan downto 1);
inv_in_n_i : in std_logic_vector(g_nr_inv_chan downto 1);
inv_out_o : out std_logic_vector(g_nr_inv_chan downto 1);
-- Output enable lines
fpga_oe_o : out std_logic;
fpga_blo_oe_o : out std_logic;
fpga_trig_ttl_oe_o : out std_logic;
fpga_inv_oe_o : out std_logic;
ttl_switch_n_i : in std_logic;
extra_switch_n_i : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 1);
-- Lines for the i2c_slave
scl_i : in std_logic;
scl_o : out std_logic;
scl_oe_o : out std_logic;
sda_i : in std_logic;
sda_o : out std_logic;
sda_oe_o : out std_logic;
fpga_ga_i : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
fpga_gap_i : in std_logic;
-- Flash memory lines
fpga_prom_cclk_o : out std_logic;
fpga_prom_cso_b_n_o : out std_logic;
fpga_prom_mosi_o : out std_logic;
fpga_prom_miso_i : in std_logic;
-- Blocking power supply reset line
mr_n_o : out std_logic;
-- Thermometer line
thermometer_b : inout std_logic;
clk_20_i : in std_logic;
clk_125_p_i : in std_logic;
clk_125_n_i : in std_logic;
-- Active-low reset for blocking power supply
mr_n_o : out std_logic;
-- I2C interface
scl_i : in std_logic;
scl_o : out std_logic;
scl_en_o : out std_logic;
sda_i : in std_logic;
sda_o : out std_logic;
sda_en_o : out std_logic;
-- VME interface
vme_sysreset_n_i : in std_logic;
vme_ga_i : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
vme_gap_i : in std_logic;
-- Channel enable
global_oen_o : out std_logic;
ttl_oen_o : out std_logic;
inv_oen_o : out std_logic;
blo_oen_o : out std_logic;
-- Front panel channels
ttl_n_i : in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
ttl_o : out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
inv_n_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
inv_o : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
-- Rear panel channels
blo_i : in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
blo_o : out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
-- Channel leds
led_front_n_o : out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
led_rear_n_o : out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
-- SPI interface to on-board flash chip
flash_cs_n_o : out std_logic;
flash_sclk_o : out std_logic;
flash_mosi_o : out std_logic;
flash_miso_i : in std_logic;
-- DAC1: 20 MHz VCXO control
fpga_plldac1_din_o : out std_logic;
fpga_plldac1_sclk_o : out std_logic;
fpga_plldac1_sync_n_o : out std_logic;
-- DAC2: 125 MHz clock generator control
fpga_plldac2_din_o : out std_logic;
fpga_plldac2_sclk_o : out std_logic;
fpga_plldac2_sync_n_o : out std_logic;
-- 20 MHz VCXO control
dac20_din_o : out std_logic;
dac20_sclk_o : out std_logic;
dac20_sync_n_o : out std_logic;
-- 125 MHz clock generator control
dac125_din_o : out std_logic;
dac125_sclk_o : out std_logic;
dac125_sync_n_o : out std_logic;
-- SFP lines
fpga_sfp_los_i : in std_logic;
fpga_sfp_mod_def0_i : in std_logic;
fpga_sfp_rate_select_o : out std_logic;
fpga_sfp_mod_def1_b : inout std_logic;
fpga_sfp_mod_def2_b : inout std_logic;
fpga_sfp_tx_disable_o : out std_logic;
fpga_sfp_tx_fault_i : in std_logic;
-- RTM identifiers, should match with the expected values
fpga_rtmm_n_i : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
fpga_rtmp_n_i : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0)
sfp_los_i : in std_logic;
sfp_mod_def0_i : in std_logic;
sfp_rate_select_o : out std_logic;
sfp_mod_def1_b : inout std_logic;
sfp_mod_def2_b : inout std_logic;
sfp_tx_disable_o : out std_logic;
sfp_tx_fault_i : in std_logic;
-- Thermometer data port
thermometer_b : inout std_logic;
-- Switches
sw_gp_n_i : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- RTM lines
rtmm_i : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
rtmp_i : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
-- Front panel bicolor LEDs
led_ctrl0_o : out std_logic;
led_ctrl0_oen_o : out std_logic;
led_ctrl1_o : out std_logic;
led_ctrl1_oen_o : out std_logic;
led_multicast_2_0_o : out std_logic;
led_multicast_3_1_o : out std_logic;
led_wr_gmt_ttl_ttln_o : out std_logic;
led_wr_link_syserror_o : out std_logic;
led_wr_ok_syspw_o : out std_logic;
led_wr_ownaddr_i2c_o : out std_logic
end conv_ttl_blo;
end entity conv_ttl_blo;
architecture behav of conv_ttl_blo is
-- Type declarations
type t_ttlbar_nosig_cnt is array (1 to g_nr_ttl_chan) of unsigned(10 downto 0);
type t_pulse_led_cnt is array (1 to g_nr_ttl_chan) of unsigned(18 downto 0);
architecture arch of conv_ttl_blo is
-- Constant declarations
-- Number of repetition channels
constant c_nr_chans : integer := 6;
constant c_nr_inv_chans : integer := 4;
-- Number of bicolor LED lines & columns
constant c_bicolor_led_lines : integer := 2;
constant c_bicolor_led_cols : integer := 6;
-- Board ID - ASCII string "TBLO"
constant c_board_id : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := x"54424c4f";
-- Firmware version
-- - format: M.m
-- - M: major version hex number (e.g. 1)
-- - m: minor version hex number (e.g. 13)
-- - example: first major release v1.0 c_fwvers = x"10";
-- next minor release v1.1 c_fwvers = x"11";
-- 13 minor releases later v1.14 c_fwvers = x"1e";
-- next major release v2.0 c_fwvers = x"20";
-- - version 0.1 is golden firmware version for MultiBoot fallback
constant c_fwvers : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"01";
-- Number of Wishbone masters and slaves, for wb_crossbar
constant c_nr_masters : natural := 1;
constant c_nr_slaves : natural := 2;
-- Memory map
-- * all registers are word-addressable
-- * all registers are word-aligned
-- CONV_REGS [000-040]
-- MULTIBOOT [040-080]
-- slave order definitions
constant c_slv_conv_regs : natural := 0;
constant c_slv_multiboot : natural := 1;
-- base address definitions
constant c_addr_conv_regs : t_wishbone_address := x"00000000";
constant c_addr_multiboot : t_wishbone_address := x"00000040";
-- address mask definitions
constant c_mask_conv_regs : t_wishbone_address := x"00000FC0";
constant c_mask_multiboot : t_wishbone_address := x"00000FC0";
-- addresses constant for Wishbone crossbar
constant c_addresses : t_wishbone_address_array(c_nr_slaves-1 downto 0)
:= (
c_slv_conv_regs => c_addr_conv_regs,
c_slv_multiboot => c_addr_multiboot
-- masks constant for Wishbone crossbar
constant c_masks : t_wishbone_address_array(c_nr_slaves-1 downto 0)
:= (
c_slv_conv_regs => c_mask_conv_regs,
c_slv_multiboot => c_mask_multiboot
-- Pulse generator constants
constant c_pulse_gen_pwidth : positive := 24;
constant c_pulse_gen_duty_cycle_div : positive := 200;
constant c_pulse_gen_gf_len : positive := 1;
-- Gateware version
constant c_gwvers : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := x"02";
-- Component declarations
-- Type declarations
-- Reset generator component
-- (use: global reset generation, output reset generation)
component reset_gen is
-- Reset time in number of clk_i cycles
g_reset_time : positive := 2_000_000
clk_i : in std_logic;
rst_i : in std_logic;
rst_n_o : out std_logic
end component reset_gen;
-- Pulse generator component
-- (use: output pulse generation, pulse status LEDs)
component ctblo_pulse_gen is
-- Pulse width, in number of clk_i cycles
-- Default pulse width (20 MHz clock): 1.2 us
-- Minimum allowable pulse width (20 MHz clock): 1 us
-- Maximum allowable pulse width (20 MHz clock): 2 us
g_pwidth : natural range 20 to 40 := 24;
-- Duty cycle divider: D = 1/g_duty_cycle_div
g_duty_cycle_div : natural := 5
-- Clock and active-low reset inputs
clk_i : in std_logic;
rst_n_i : in std_logic;
-- Glitch filter enable input
-- '1' - Glitch filter disabled (glitch-sensitive, no output jitter)
-- '0' - Glitch filter enabled (glitch-insensitive, with output jitter)
gf_en_n_i : in std_logic;
-- Enable input, pulse generation is enabled when '1'
en_i : in std_logic;
-- Trigger input, has to be '1' to assure pulse output with delay no greater
-- than internal gate delays.
trig_a_i : in std_logic;
-- Pulse error output, pulses high for one clock cycle when a pulse arrives
-- within a pulse period
pulse_err_p_o : out std_logic;
-- Pulse output, active-high
-- latency:
-- glitch filter disabled: none
-- glitch filter enabled: glitch filter length + 5 clk_i cycles
pulse_o : out std_logic
end component ctblo_pulse_gen;
-- RTM detector component
-- (use: detect the presence of an RTM/P module)
component rtm_detector is
rtmm_i : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
rtmp_i : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
rtmm_ok_o : out std_logic;
rtmp_ok_o : out std_logic
end component rtm_detector;
-- Converter board control registers
component conv_regs is
port (
rst_n_i : in std_logic;
clk_sys_i : in std_logic;
wb_adr_i : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
wb_dat_i : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
wb_dat_o : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
wb_cyc_i : in std_logic;
wb_sel_i : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
wb_stb_i : in std_logic;
wb_we_i : in std_logic;
wb_ack_o : out std_logic;
wb_stall_o : out std_logic;
-- Port for std_logic_vector field: 'bits' in reg: 'Board ID Register'
reg_id_bits_i : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
-- Port for std_logic_vector field: 'fwvers' in reg: 'Status Register'
reg_sr_fwvers_i : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- Port for std_logic_vector field: 'switches' in reg: 'Status Register'
reg_sr_switches_i : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- Port for std_logic_vector field: 'RTM detection' in reg: 'Status Register'
reg_sr_rtm_i : in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
-- Ports for BIT field: 'I2C Watchdog Timeout' in reg: 'Status Register'
reg_sr_i2c_wdto_o : out std_logic;
reg_sr_i2c_wdto_i : in std_logic;
reg_sr_i2c_wdto_load_o : out std_logic;
-- Port for BIT field: 'Reset unlock bit' in reg: 'Control Register'
reg_cr_rst_unlock_o : out std_logic;
reg_cr_rst_unlock_i : in std_logic;
reg_cr_rst_unlock_load_o : out std_logic;
-- Ports for BIT field: 'Reset bit' in reg: 'Control Register'
reg_cr_rst_o : out std_logic;
reg_cr_rst_i : in std_logic;
reg_cr_rst_load_o : out std_logic
end component conv_regs;
-- MultiBoot component
-- use: remotely reprogram the FPGA
component wb_xil_multiboot is
-- Clock and reset input ports
clk_i : in std_logic;
rst_n_i : in std_logic;
-- Wishbone ports
wbs_i : in t_wishbone_slave_in;
wbs_o : out t_wishbone_slave_out;
-- SPI ports
spi_cs_n_o : out std_logic;
spi_sclk_o : out std_logic;
spi_mosi_o : out std_logic;
spi_miso_i : in std_logic
end component wb_xil_multiboot;
type t_ttlbar_nosig_cnt is array (c_nr_chans-1 downto 0) of unsigned(10 downto 0);
-- Signal declarations
-- Reset signals
signal rst_n : std_logic;
signal rst_unlock : std_logic;
signal rst_unlock_bit : std_logic;
signal rst_unlock_bit_ld : std_logic;
signal rst_bit : std_logic;
signal rst_bit_ld : std_logic;
signal rst_fr_reg : std_logic;
-- RTM detection signals
signal rtmm, rtmp : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal rtmm_ok, rtmp_ok : std_logic;
-- Signals to/from converter system registers component
signal rtm_lines : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
signal switches_n : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal wdto_bit : std_logic;
signal wdto_bit_rst : std_logic;
signal wdto_bit_rst_ld : std_logic;
-- Signals for pulse generation triggers
signal trig_a : std_logic_vector(g_nr_ttl_chan downto 1);
signal trig_inv : std_logic_vector(g_nr_inv_chan downto 1);
signal trig_ttl_a : std_logic_vector(g_nr_ttl_chan downto 1);
signal trig_blo_a : std_logic_vector(g_nr_ttl_chan downto 1);
signal trig_synced_edge : std_logic_vector(g_nr_ttl_chan downto 1);
signal trig_synced : std_logic_vector(g_nr_ttl_chan downto 1);
signal trig_degl : std_logic_vector(g_nr_ttl_chan downto 1);
signal trig_chan : std_logic_vector(g_nr_ttl_chan downto 1);
-- TTL-BAR lack of signal counter
signal ttlbar_nosig_cnt : t_ttlbar_nosig_cnt;
signal ttlbar_nosig_n : std_logic_vector(g_nr_ttl_chan downto 1);
-- Temporary signal for blocking and TTL pulse outputs
signal pulse_outp : std_logic_vector(g_nr_ttl_chan downto 1);
signal pulse_outp_d0 : std_logic_vector(g_nr_ttl_chan downto 1);
signal pulse_outp_r_edge_p : std_logic_vector(g_nr_ttl_chan downto 1);
signal blo_ch_en : std_logic_vector(g_nr_ttl_chan downto 1);
-- Pulse status LED signals
signal pulse_leds : std_logic_vector(g_nr_ttl_chan downto 1);
signal pulse_led_cnt : t_pulse_led_cnt;
-- Output enable signals
signal oe, ttl_oe : std_logic;
signal blo_oe, inv_oe : std_logic;
-- Signal for controlling the bicolor LED matrix
signal bicolor_led_state : std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
-- Wishbone crossbar signals
signal xbar_slave_in : t_wishbone_slave_in_array (c_nr_masters - 1 downto 0);
signal xbar_slave_out : t_wishbone_slave_out_array (c_nr_masters - 1 downto 0);
signal xbar_master_in : t_wishbone_master_in_array (c_nr_slaves - 1 downto 0);
signal xbar_master_out : t_wishbone_master_out_array(c_nr_slaves - 1 downto 0);
-- I2C bridge signals
signal i2c_tip : std_logic;
signal i2c_err_p : std_logic;
signal i2c_wdto_p : std_logic;
signal i2c_addr : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
signal led_i2c_err : std_logic;
signal led_i2c : std_logic;
signal led_i2c_clkdiv : unsigned(18 downto 0);
signal led_i2c_cnt : unsigned( 2 downto 0);
signal led_i2c_blink : std_logic;
-- Reset signal
signal rst_20_n : std_logic;
-- TTL & RS485 signals
signal rs485_fs : std_logic_vector(c_nr_chans-1 downto 0);
signal pulse_in : std_logic_vector(c_nr_chans-1 downto 0);
signal pulse_out : std_logic_vector(c_nr_chans-1 downto 0);
signal pulse_ttl : std_logic_vector(c_nr_chans-1 downto 0);
signal pulse_blo : std_logic_vector(c_nr_chans-1 downto 0);
signal inhibit_first_pulse : std_logic;
signal inhibit_first_pulse_d0 : std_logic;
signal inhibit_cnt : unsigned(10 downto 0);
-- Line signals -- for reflection in line status register of conv_common_gw
signal line_ttl : std_logic_vector(c_nr_chans-1 downto 0);
signal line_invttl : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal line_blo : std_logic_vector(c_nr_chans-1 downto 0);
-- Switch signals (for inverting switch inputs to the common g/w)
signal sw_ttl : std_logic;
signal sw_gp : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- No signal on TTL-BAR
signal ttlbar_nosig_cnt : t_ttlbar_nosig_cnt;
signal ttlbar_nosig : std_logic_vector(c_nr_chans-1 downto 0);
-- Channel LED signals
signal led_pulse : std_logic_vector(c_nr_chans-1 downto 0);
signal led_rear : std_logic_vector(c_nr_chans-1 downto 0);
-- I2C LEDs
signal led_i2c : std_logic;
-- System error LED
signal led_syserr : std_logic;
-- Bicolor LED signals
signal bicolor_led_state : std_logic_vector(2*c_bicolor_led_cols*c_bicolor_led_lines-1 downto 0);
signal bicolor_led_col : std_logic_vector(c_bicolor_led_cols-1 downto 0);
signal bicolor_led_line : std_logic_vector(c_bicolor_led_lines-1 downto 0);
signal bicolor_led_line_oen : std_logic_vector(c_bicolor_led_lines-1 downto 0);
-- architecture begin
......@@ -432,414 +222,236 @@ architecture behav of conv_ttl_blo is
-- Internal and external reset generation
-- Channel input logic
-- Configure reset generator for 100ms power-on reset
cmp_reset_gen : reset_gen
generic map
-- Reset time: 50ns * 2 * (10**6) = 100 ms
g_reset_time => 2*(10**6)
port map
clk_i => clk20_vcxo_i,
rst_i => rst_fr_reg,
rst_n_o => rst_n
mr_n_o <= rst_n;
-- TTL switch
sw_ttl <= not sw_gp_n_i(7);
-- I2C bridge logic
-- Set the I2C address signal according to ELMA protocol [1]
i2c_addr <= "10" & fpga_ga_i;
-- Instantiate I2C bridge component
-- The "no signal detect" block
-- FSM watchdog timeout timer:
-- * consider bit period of 30 us
-- * 10 bits / byte transfer => 300 us
-- * 40 bytes in one transfer => 12000 us
-- * clk_i period = 50 ns => g_fsm_wdt = 12000 us / 50 ns = 240000
-- * multiply by two for extra safety => g_fsm_wdt = 480000
-- * Time to watchdog timeout: 480000 * 50ns = 24 ms
cmp_i2c_bridge : wb_i2c_bridge
generic map
g_fsm_wdt => 480000
port map
-- Clock, reset
clk_i => clk20_vcxo_i,
rst_n_i => rst_n,
-- I2C lines
scl_i => scl_i,
scl_o => scl_o,
scl_en_o => scl_oe_o,
sda_i => sda_i,
sda_o => sda_o,
sda_en_o => sda_oe_o,
-- I2C address and status
i2c_addr_i => i2c_addr,
-- TIP and ERR outputs
tip_o => i2c_tip,
err_p_o => i2c_err_p,
wdto_p_o => i2c_wdto_p,
-- Wishbone master signals
wbm_stb_o => xbar_slave_in(0).stb,
wbm_cyc_o => xbar_slave_in(0).cyc,
wbm_sel_o => xbar_slave_in(0).sel,
wbm_we_o => xbar_slave_in(0).we,
wbm_dat_i => xbar_slave_out(0).dat,
wbm_dat_o => xbar_slave_in(0).dat,
wbm_adr_o => xbar_slave_in(0).adr,
wbm_ack_i => xbar_slave_out(0).ack,
wbm_rty_i => xbar_slave_out(0).rty,
wbm_err_i => xbar_slave_out(0).err
-- Process to blink the LED when an I2C transfer is in progress
-- blinks four times per transfer
-- blink width : 20 ms
-- blink period: 40 ms
p_i2c_blink : process(clk20_vcxo_i)
if rising_edge(clk20_vcxo_i) then
if (rst_n = '0') then
led_i2c_clkdiv <= (others => '0');
led_i2c_cnt <= (others => '0');
led_i2c <= '0';
led_i2c_blink <= '0';
case led_i2c_blink is
when '0' =>
led_i2c <= '0';
if (i2c_tip = '1') then
led_i2c_blink <= '1';
end if;
when '1' =>
led_i2c_clkdiv <= led_i2c_clkdiv + 1;
if (led_i2c_clkdiv = 399999) then
led_i2c_clkdiv <= (others => '0');
led_i2c_cnt <= led_i2c_cnt + 1;
led_i2c <= not led_i2c;
if (led_i2c_cnt = 7) then
led_i2c_cnt <= (others => '0');
led_i2c_blink <= '0';
end if;
end if;
when others =>
led_i2c_blink <= '0';
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process p_i2c_blink;
-- Process to set the I2C error LED signal for display on the front panel
-- of the front module. The I2C error LED signal is permanently set once an
-- error is detected from the bridge module.
p_i2c_err_led : process (clk20_vcxo_i) is
if rising_edge(clk20_vcxo_i) then
if (rst_n = '0') then
led_i2c_err <= '0';
elsif (i2c_err_p = '1') then
led_i2c_err <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end process p_i2c_err_led;
-- Register for the WDTO bit in the SR, cleared by writing a '1'
p_sr_wdto_bit : process (clk20_vcxo_i)
-- If the signal line is high for 100 us, the ttlbar_nosig lines disable
-- the input to the TTL side MUX and the OR gate.
-- The counter is disabled if the switch is set for TTL signals, to avoid
-- unnecessary power consumption by the counter.
p_ttlbar_nosig : process(clk_20_i)
if rising_edge(clk20_vcxo_i) then
if (rst_n = '0') then
wdto_bit <= '0';
elsif (i2c_wdto_p = '1') then
wdto_bit <= '1';
elsif (wdto_bit_rst_ld = '1') and (wdto_bit_rst = '1') then
wdto_bit <= '0';
end if;
if rising_edge(clk_20_i) then
for i in 0 to c_nr_chans-1 loop
if (rst_20_n = '0') or (ttl_n_i(i) = '0') then
ttlbar_nosig(i) <= '0';
ttlbar_nosig_cnt(i) <= (others => '0');
elsif (sw_ttl = '0') then
ttlbar_nosig_cnt(i) <= ttlbar_nosig_cnt(i) + 1;
if (ttlbar_nosig_cnt(i) = 1999) then
ttlbar_nosig(i) <= '1';
ttlbar_nosig_cnt(i) <= (others => '0');
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end process p_sr_wdto_bit;
end process p_ttlbar_nosig;
-- Instantiation and connection of the main Wishbone crossbar
-- TTL and blocking inputs
pulse_ttl <= not ttl_n_i when sw_ttl = '1' else
ttl_n_i and (not ttlbar_nosig);
cmp_wb_crossbar : xwb_crossbar
generic map
g_num_masters => c_nr_masters,
g_num_slaves => c_nr_slaves,
g_registered => false,
g_address => c_addresses,
g_mask => c_masks
port map
clk_sys_i => clk20_vcxo_i,
rst_n_i => rst_n,
slave_i => xbar_slave_in,
slave_o => xbar_slave_out,
master_i => xbar_master_in,
master_o => xbar_master_out
-- Converter board registers
-- Set SWITCH and RTM fields
switches_n <= ttl_switch_n_i & extra_switch_n_i(7 downto 1);
rtm_lines <= rtmp & rtmm;
-- Then, instantiate the component
cmp_conv_regs : conv_regs
port map (
rst_n_i => rst_n,
clk_sys_i => clk20_vcxo_i,
wb_adr_i => xbar_master_out(c_slv_conv_regs).adr(3 downto 2),
wb_dat_i => xbar_master_out(c_slv_conv_regs).dat,
wb_dat_o => xbar_master_in (c_slv_conv_regs).dat,
wb_cyc_i => xbar_master_out(c_slv_conv_regs).cyc,
wb_sel_i => xbar_master_out(c_slv_conv_regs).sel,
wb_stb_i => xbar_master_out(c_slv_conv_regs).stb,
wb_we_i => xbar_master_out(c_slv_conv_regs).we,
wb_ack_o => xbar_master_in (c_slv_conv_regs).ack,
wb_stall_o => xbar_master_in (c_slv_conv_regs).stall,
reg_id_bits_i => c_board_id,
reg_sr_fwvers_i => c_fwvers,
reg_sr_switches_i => switches_n,
reg_sr_rtm_i => rtm_lines,
reg_sr_i2c_wdto_o => wdto_bit_rst,
reg_sr_i2c_wdto_i => wdto_bit,
reg_sr_i2c_wdto_load_o => wdto_bit_rst_ld,
reg_cr_rst_unlock_o => rst_unlock_bit,
reg_cr_rst_unlock_i => rst_unlock,
reg_cr_rst_unlock_load_o => rst_unlock_bit_ld,
reg_cr_rst_o => rst_bit,
reg_cr_rst_i => rst_fr_reg,
reg_cr_rst_load_o => rst_bit_ld
pulse_blo <= blo_i;
-- Implement the RST_UNLOCK bit
p_rst_unlock : process (clk20_vcxo_i)
-- This process has the effect of extending the reset an extra 100 us, to avoid
-- a pulse being generated or erroneously counted during the period of no signal
-- detect
p_inhibit_first_pulse : process (clk_20_i)
if rising_edge(clk20_vcxo_i) then
if (rst_n = '0') then
rst_unlock <= '0';
elsif (rst_unlock_bit_ld = '1') then
if (rst_unlock_bit = '1') then
rst_unlock <= '1';
rst_unlock <= '0';
if rising_edge(clk_20_i) then
if (rst_20_n = '0') then
inhibit_cnt <= (others => '0');
inhibit_first_pulse <= '1';
elsif (inhibit_first_pulse = '1') then
inhibit_cnt <= inhibit_cnt + 1;
if (inhibit_cnt = 1999) then
inhibit_first_pulse <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process p_rst_unlock;
end process p_inhibit_first_pulse;
-- Implement the reset bit register
-- The register can only be set when the RST_UNLOCK bit is '1'.
p_rst_fr_reg : process (clk20_vcxo_i)
-- Delay inhibit first pulse signal, use this to enable input, thus avoiding
-- internal reset states of conv_common_gw
p_inhibit_first_pulse_d0 : process (clk_20_i)
if rising_edge(clk20_vcxo_i) then
if (rst_n = '0') then
rst_fr_reg <= '0';
elsif (rst_bit_ld = '1') and (rst_bit = '1') and (rst_unlock = '1') then
rst_fr_reg <= '1';
if rising_edge(clk_20_i) then
if (rst_20_n = '0') then
inhibit_first_pulse_d0 <= '1';
rst_fr_reg <= '0';
inhibit_first_pulse_d0 <= inhibit_first_pulse;
end if;
end if;
end process p_rst_fr_reg;
end process;
-- Output enable logic
fpga_oe_o <= '1';
fpga_blo_oe_o <= '1';
fpga_trig_ttl_oe_o <= '1';
fpga_inv_oe_o <= '1';
-- Pulse input valid only after inhibit period is over
pulse_in <= (pulse_ttl or pulse_blo) when (inhibit_first_pulse_d0 = '0') else
(others => '0');
-- TTL and blocking pulse generation logic
-- First, the TTL trigger mux, selected via the TTL switch; ttlbar_nosig_n is
-- controlled in the process below
trig_ttl_a <= not fpga_input_ttl_n_i when (ttl_switch_n_i = '0') else
fpga_input_ttl_n_i and ttlbar_nosig_n;
-- Then, the blocking trigger
trig_blo_a <= fpga_blo_in_i;
-- And now the OR gate at the inputs of the pulse generator blocks
trig_a <= trig_ttl_a or trig_blo_a;
-- Generate pulse repetition logic
gen_ttl_pulse_generators : for i in 1 to g_nr_ttl_chan generate
-- Process to detect lack of signal on TTL line
-- If the signal line is high for 100 us, the ttlbar_nosig_n lines disable
-- the mux input.
p_ttlbar_nosig : process(clk20_vcxo_i)
if rising_edge(clk20_vcxo_i) then
if (rst_n = '0') or (fpga_input_ttl_n_i(i) = '0') then
ttlbar_nosig_n(i) <= '1';
ttlbar_nosig_cnt(i) <= (others => '0');
elsif (fpga_input_ttl_n_i(i) = '1') then
ttlbar_nosig_cnt(i) <= ttlbar_nosig_cnt(i) + 1;
if (ttlbar_nosig_cnt(i) = 1999) then
ttlbar_nosig_n(i) <= '0';
ttlbar_nosig_cnt(i) <= (others => '0');
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process p_ttlbar_nosig;
-- First, resync the trigger signal into clk20_vcxo_i domain
-- Reset value is '1' to keep to the post-v2.0 releases, where a pulse would
-- be counted by the pulse counter on startup, when the board is in TTL-BAR
-- repetition mode.
-- Due to the FPGA logic reset time of 100ms, all inputs should settle by the
-- time the reset is over, so not resetting the glitch filter is safe
cmp_sync_ffs: gc_sync_ffs
port map
clk_i => clk20_vcxo_i,
rst_n_i => '1',
data_i => trig_a(i),
synced_o => trig_synced(i)
-- Deglitch synchronized trigger signal
-- Reset value is '1' to keep to the post-v2.0 releases, where a pulse would
-- be counted by the pulse counter on startup, when the board is in TTL-BAR
-- repetition mode.
-- Due to the FPGA logic reset time of 100ms, all inputs should settle by the
-- time the reset is over, so not resetting the glitch filter is safe
cmp_inp_glitch_filt : gc_glitch_filt
generic map
g_len => c_pulse_gen_gf_len
port map
clk_i => clk20_vcxo_i,
rst_n_i => '1',
dat_i => trig_synced(i),
dat_o => trig_degl(i)
-- Now that we have a deglitched signal, generate the MUX to select between
-- deglitched and direct channel input
trig_chan(i) <= trig_a(i) when (extra_switch_n_i(1) = '1') else
-- Output pulse generators
cmp_ttl_pulse_gen : ctblo_pulse_gen
generic map
g_pwidth => c_pulse_gen_pwidth,
g_duty_cycle_div => c_pulse_gen_duty_cycle_div
port map
clk_i => clk20_vcxo_i,
rst_n_i => rst_n,
en_i => '1',
gf_en_n_i => extra_switch_n_i(1),
trig_a_i => trig_chan(i),
pulse_o => pulse_outp(i)
-- Pulse outputs assignment
fpga_out_ttl_o <= pulse_outp when (ttl_switch_n_i = '0') else
not pulse_outp;
fpga_trig_blo_o <= pulse_outp;
-- Process to flash pulse LED when a pulse is output
-- LED flash length: 26 ms
p_pulse_led : process (clk20_vcxo_i, rst_n) is
if rising_edge(clk20_vcxo_i) then
if (rst_n = '0') then
pulse_outp_d0(i) <= '0';
pulse_outp_r_edge_p(i) <= '0';
pulse_led_cnt(i) <= (others => '0');
pulse_leds(i) <= '0';
pulse_outp_d0(i) <= pulse_outp(i);
pulse_outp_r_edge_p(i) <= pulse_outp(i) and (not pulse_outp_d0(i));
case pulse_leds(i) is
when '0' =>
if (pulse_outp_r_edge_p(i) = '1') then
pulse_leds(i) <= '1';
end if;
when '1' =>
pulse_led_cnt(i) <= pulse_led_cnt(i) + 1;
if (pulse_led_cnt(i) = (pulse_led_cnt(i)'range => '1')) then
pulse_leds(i) <= '0';
end if;
when others =>
pulse_leds(i) <= '0';
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end generate gen_ttl_pulse_generators;
-- Line inputs for reflection in status register
line_ttl <= not ttl_n_i;
line_invttl <= not inv_n_i;
line_blo <= blo_i;
-- Pulse status LED output assignments
pulse_front_led_n_o <= not pulse_leds;
pulse_rear_led_n_o <= not pulse_leds;
-- Switch inputs for reflection in status register
sw_gp <= not sw_gp_n_i;
-- General-purpose INV TTL outputs
-- Instantiate common generic gateware for converter boards
inv_out_o <= inv_in_n_i;
cmp_conv_common : conv_common_gw
generic map
-- Number of repeater channels
g_nr_chans => c_nr_chans,
g_board_id => c_board_id,
g_gwvers => c_gwvers,
g_pgen_fixed_width => true,
g_pgen_pwidth => 24,
g_pgen_duty_cycle_div => 200,
g_pgen_gf_len => 1,
g_bicolor_led_columns => c_bicolor_led_cols,
g_bicolor_led_lines => c_bicolor_led_lines
port map
-- Clocks
clk_20_i => clk_20_i,
clk_125_p_i => clk_125_p_i,
clk_125_n_i => clk_125_n_i,
-- Reset output signal, synchronous to 20 MHz clock
rst_n_o => rst_20_n,
-- Glitch filter active-low enable signal
gf_en_n_i => sw_gp_n_i(0),
-- Channel enable
global_ch_oen_o => global_oen_o,
pulse_front_oen_o => ttl_oen_o,
pulse_rear_oen_o => blo_oen_o,
inv_oen_o => inv_oen_o,
-- Front panel channels
pulse_i => pulse_in,
pulse_o => pulse_out,
-- Channel leds
led_pulse_o => led_pulse,
-- I2C LED signals -- conect to a bicolor LED of choice
-- led_i2c_o pulses four times on I2C transfer
led_i2c_o => led_i2c,
-- I2C interface
scl_i => scl_i,
scl_o => scl_o,
scl_en_o => scl_en_o,
sda_i => sda_i,
sda_o => sda_o,
sda_en_o => sda_en_o,
-- VME interface
vme_sysreset_n_i => vme_sysreset_n_i,
vme_ga_i => vme_ga_i,
vme_gap_i => vme_gap_i,
-- SPI interface to on-board flash chip
flash_cs_n_o => flash_cs_n_o,
flash_sclk_o => flash_sclk_o,
flash_mosi_o => flash_mosi_o,
flash_miso_i => flash_miso_i,
-- 20 MHz VCXO control
dac20_din_o => dac20_din_o,
dac20_sclk_o => dac20_sclk_o,
dac20_sync_n_o => dac20_sync_n_o,
-- 125 MHz clock generator control
dac125_din_o => dac125_din_o,
dac125_sclk_o => dac125_sclk_o,
dac125_sync_n_o => dac125_sync_n_o,
-- SFP lines
sfp_los_i => sfp_los_i,
sfp_mod_def0_i => sfp_mod_def0_i,
sfp_rate_select_o => sfp_rate_select_o,
sfp_mod_def1_b => sfp_mod_def1_b,
sfp_mod_def2_b => sfp_mod_def2_b,
sfp_tx_disable_o => sfp_tx_disable_o,
sfp_tx_fault_i => sfp_tx_fault_i,
-- Switch inputs (for readout from converter status register)
sw_gp_i => sw_gp,
sw_other_i => (others => '0'),
-- RTM lines
rtmm_i => rtmm_i,
rtmp_i => rtmp_i,
-- TTL, INV-TTL and rear-panel channel inputs, for reflection in line status register
line_front_i => line_ttl,
line_inv_i => line_invttl,
line_rear_i => line_blo,
-- Fail-safe lines, detect invalid or no signal on channel input
line_front_fs_i => ttlbar_nosig,
line_inv_fs_i => (others => '0'),
line_rear_fs_i => (others => '0'),
-- Thermometer line
thermometer_b => thermometer_b,
-- System error LED, active-high on system error
-- ERR bicolor LED should light red when led_syserr_o = '1'
led_syserr_o => led_syserr,
-- Bicolor LED signals
bicolor_led_state_i => bicolor_led_state,
bicolor_led_col_o => bicolor_led_col,
bicolor_led_line_o => bicolor_led_line,
bicolor_led_line_oen_o => bicolor_led_line_oen
-- MultiBoot logic
-- Channel output logic
cmp_multiboot : wb_xil_multiboot
port map
clk_i => clk20_vcxo_i,
rst_n_i => rst_n,
-- TTL and RS-485 outputs
ttl_o <= pulse_out when sw_ttl = '1' else
not pulse_out;
blo_o <= pulse_out;
wbs_i => xbar_master_out(c_slv_multiboot),
wbs_o => xbar_master_in(c_slv_multiboot),
-- LED outputs
led_front_n_o <= not led_pulse;
led_rear_n_o <= not led_pulse;
spi_cs_n_o => fpga_prom_cso_b_n_o,
spi_sclk_o => fpga_prom_cclk_o,
spi_mosi_o => fpga_prom_mosi_o,
spi_miso_i => fpga_prom_miso_i
-- INV-TTL outputs
inv_o <= inv_n_i;
-- Manual reset for blocking power supply
mr_n_o <= rst_20_n;
-- Bicolor LED matrix logic
-- External logic for bicolor LED control
-- Bicolor LED controls, corresponding to the column orders on the
-- bicolor_led_ctrl unit.
-- Assign bicolor LED lines & columns to outputs
led_wr_ownaddr_i2c_o <= bicolor_led_col(0);
led_wr_gmt_ttl_ttln_o <= bicolor_led_col(1);
led_wr_link_syserror_o <= bicolor_led_col(2);
led_wr_ok_syspw_o <= bicolor_led_col(3);
led_multicast_2_0_o <= bicolor_led_col(4);
led_multicast_3_1_o <= bicolor_led_col(5);
led_ctrl0_o <= bicolor_led_line(0);
led_ctrl1_o <= bicolor_led_line(1);
led_ctrl0_oen_o <= bicolor_led_line_oen(0);
led_ctrl1_oen_o <= bicolor_led_line_oen(1);
-- WR address
bicolor_led_state( 1 downto 0) <= c_LED_OFF;
......@@ -859,18 +471,17 @@ begin
bicolor_led_state(11 downto 10) <= c_LED_OFF;
-- I2C
bicolor_led_state(13 downto 12) <= c_LED_GREEN when (led_i2c = '1') else
c_LED_RED when (led_i2c_err = '1') else
-- State of TTL/TTL_N switch
bicolor_led_state(15 downto 14) <= c_LED_GREEN when (ttl_switch_n_i = '0') else
bicolor_led_state(15 downto 14) <= c_LED_GREEN when (sw_ttl = '1') else
-- System error
bicolor_led_state(17 downto 16) <= c_LED_RED when (rtmm_ok = '0') and (rtmp_ok = '0') else
bicolor_led_state(17 downto 16) <= c_LED_RED when (led_syserr = '1') or
(c_gwvers(7 downto 4) = "0000" ) else
-- System power
......@@ -882,68 +493,7 @@ begin
bicolor_led_state(23 downto 22) <= c_LED_OFF;
cmp_bicolor_led_ctrl : bicolor_led_ctrl
generic map
g_NB_COLUMN => 6,
g_NB_LINE => 2,
g_clk_freq => 20000000,
g_refresh_rate => 250
port map
clk_i => clk20_vcxo_i,
rst_n_i => rst_n,
led_intensity_i => "1111111",
led_state_i => bicolor_led_state,
column_o(0) => led_wr_ownaddr_i2c_o,
column_o(1) => led_wr_gmt_ttl_ttln_o,
column_o(2) => led_wr_link_syserror_o,
column_o(3) => led_wr_ok_syspw_o,
column_o(4) => led_multicast_2_0_o,
column_o(5) => led_multicast_3_1_o,
line_o(0) => led_ctrl0_o,
line_o(1) => led_ctrl1_o,
line_oen_o(0) => led_ctrl0_oen_o,
line_oen_o(1) => led_ctrl1_oen_o
-- RTM detection logic
rtmm <= not fpga_rtmm_n_i;
rtmp <= not fpga_rtmp_n_i;
cmp_rtm_detector : rtm_detector
port map
rtmm_i => rtmm,
rtmp_i => rtmp,
rtmm_ok_o => rtmm_ok,
rtmp_ok_o => rtmp_ok
-- Drive unused outputs with safe values
-- Theremometer output to high-impedance
thermometer_b <= 'Z';
-- DAC outputs: enables to '1' (disable DAC comm interface) and SCK, DIN to '0'
fpga_plldac1_sync_n_o <= '1';
fpga_plldac1_din_o <= '0';
fpga_plldac1_sclk_o <= '0';
fpga_plldac2_sync_n_o <= '1';
fpga_plldac2_din_o <= '0';
fpga_plldac2_sclk_o <= '0';
-- SFP lines all open-drain, set to high-impedance
fpga_sfp_rate_select_o <= 'Z';
fpga_sfp_mod_def1_b <= 'Z';
fpga_sfp_mod_def2_b <= 'Z';
fpga_sfp_tx_disable_o <= 'Z';
end behav;
end architecture arch;
-- architecture end
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