Commit 45c22dbc authored by Denia Bouhired-Ferrag's avatar Denia Bouhired-Ferrag

Adding Eva C code review comments

parent a06d4d47
1) Process "p_pulse_redge" starting at line 138.
- In that case, I belive 'en_i' should be in the sensitivity list. (There is a warning during synthesis).
- What happens if en_i='0' and burst_ctrl_rst = '0'?
Is 'en_i' synchronous to something or can it change at any moment ? What would you like to happen
happens if 'en_i' changes in the midle of a pulse ?
To be studied if something like that would do... It depends if we wish en_i to act sync or async.
-- Async en_i:
p_pulse_redge: process (pulse_burst_i)
if falling_edge(pulse_burst_i) then
if (burst_ctrl_rst = '1') then
gate <= '0';
gate <= '1'; --gate only changes during falling edges of pulse_burst_i
end if;
end if;
end process p_pulse_redge;
pulse_burst_o <= en_i and gate and pulse_burst_i; --en_i can make '0' burst_o at any time.
-- Sync en_i:
p_pulse_redge: process (pulse_burst_i)
if falling_edge(pulse_burst_i) then
if (burst_ctrl_rst = '1') then
gate <= '0';
gate <= en_i; -- gate will be sync to falling edges pulse_burst_i
end if;
end if;
end process p_pulse_redge;
pulse_burst_o <= gate and pulse_burst_i;
2) Process p_pulse_redge_detect starting at line 154.
- The signal pulse_train_in_f_edge_p needs to be reseted also.
- If I am not mistaken, usually one uses 2 flip-flops for synchronising and an additionaly one for
detecting the rising/falling edge. There is a module already in general-cores/common folder that
can be used for that: "gc_sync_ffs.vhd". Not sure if there could be an issue with one flip-flop less...
3) Line 125. n_cycle_cnt is used as index within the array g_temp_decre_step. Maybe it would be wise
to constraint its value to the maximum array length.
signal n_cycle_cnt : integer range 0 to 15;
signal n_cycle_cnt : integer range 0 to g_temp_decre_step'LENGTH;
signal n_cycle_cnt : integer range g_temp_decre_step'RANGE;
4) Process "p_n_cycle_cnt" starting at line 169.
- Usually reset sets the signal at '0'. It is not a big issue, but I believe it is more standard and maybe
eventually it reduces the logic.
- It is preferable to compare with '>' or '<' than with '=' since many times you do not need to compare
all the bits this way.(line 183)
- 'single_cycle_cnt' is reseted after reaching 'thermal_res'. But I do not see "n_cycle_cnt" to be resetted
when it reaches 'thermal_array_lenth'. Is that normal/wished?
p_n_cycle_cnt : process(clk_i)
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if rst_n_i = '0' then
single_cycle_cnt <= 0;
n_cycle_cnt <= 0;
elsif (en_i = '1') then
if pulse_train_in_r_edge_p = '1' and burst_ctrl_rst = '0' then
single_cycle_cnt <= 0;
n_cycle_cnt <= 0;
elsif pulse_train_in = '0' then
if single_cycle_cnt < thermal_res-2
single_cycle_cnt <= single_cycle_cnt + 1;
if n_cycle_cnt < thermal_array_lgth-1 then
n_cycle_cnt <= n_cycle_cnt + 1;
n_cycle_cnt <= 0;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process p_n_cycle_cnt;
5) FSM:
@line 221 : May be I am missing something.. how is that we need to test temp_rise >= 0 additionally that
temp_rise <= g_max_temp ? Why is not enough with the last check? Additionally temp_rise is an unsigned
integer, so it should always be >= 0, doesn't it?
@line 288 : Same thing.
@line 291. I believe there is no need to check temp_rise /=0. You check right afterwards if it is temp_rise >= than g_temp_decre_step.
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