Commit dc6a9af2 authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

top/*/dbe_bpm_gen: add missing infra_cores SDB info record

Ever since we began using the infra_cores
submodule, the related SDB record is missing
from the top SDB layout.
parent be19bc61
......@@ -663,6 +663,7 @@ architecture rtl of dbe_bpm_gen is
constant c_slv_sdb_top_syn_id : natural := 16;
constant c_slv_sdb_dsp_cores_id : natural := 17;
constant c_slv_sdb_gen_cores_id : natural := 18;
constant c_slv_sdb_infra_cores_id : natural := 19;
-- Number of masters
constant c_masters : natural := 2; -- RS232-Syscon, PCIe
......@@ -811,7 +812,7 @@ architecture rtl of dbe_bpm_gen is
constant c_periph_bridge_sdb : t_sdb_bridge := f_xwb_bridge_manual_sdb(x"00000FFF", x"00000400");
-- WB SDB (Self describing bus) layout
constant c_layout : t_sdb_record_array(c_slaves+4-1 downto 0) :=
constant c_layout : t_sdb_record_array(c_slaves+5-1 downto 0) :=
(c_slv_pos_calc_1_id => f_sdb_embed_bridge(c_pos_calc_core_bridge_sdb,
x"00310000"), -- Position Calc Core 1 control port
c_slv_fmc_adc_1_id => f_sdb_embed_bridge(c_fmc_adc_bridge_sdb, x"00320000"), -- FMC_ADC control 1 port
......@@ -832,7 +833,8 @@ architecture rtl of dbe_bpm_gen is
c_slv_sdb_repo_url_id => f_sdb_embed_repo_url(c_sdb_repo_url),
c_slv_sdb_top_syn_id => f_sdb_embed_synthesis(c_sdb_top_syn_info),
c_slv_sdb_dsp_cores_id => f_sdb_embed_synthesis(c_sdb_dsp_cores_syn_info),
c_slv_sdb_gen_cores_id => f_sdb_embed_synthesis(c_sdb_general_cores_syn_info)
c_slv_sdb_gen_cores_id => f_sdb_embed_synthesis(c_sdb_general_cores_syn_info),
c_slv_sdb_infra_cores_id => f_sdb_embed_synthesis(c_sdb_infra_cores_syn_info)
-- Self Describing Bus ROM Address. It will be an addressed slave as well
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