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\begin_layout Title
\begin_inset Newline newline
ADC Characterization Toolkit
\begin_layout Author
Federico Asara
\begin_layout Abstract
In this article I will provide a brief introduction to ADCs and their performanc
e parameters, along with the procedures to calculate them.
\begin_layout Abstract
Then I will present you ACT, the ADC Characterization Toolkit, a Python-powered
application that interfaces with ADCs via the Python ADC INterface API,
ACT presents three characterization modalities, depending on the input
given to the ADC: single-tone input wave, two-tone input wave, and a frequency
sweep in order to evaluate the ADC transfer function.
\begin_layout Section
Brief introduction to ADCs
\begin_layout Standard
Last summer student's work should be enough.
\begin_layout Section
Formulae and alghorithms
\begin_layout Subsection
\begin_layout Standard
In order to compute DNL and INL in a fast way for a given signal we generate
two histograms that count the frequency of all the possible value the ADC
can output.
\series bold
real histogram
\series default
uses the data read from the signal, the
\series bold
ideal histogram
\series default
uses simulated data for the same signal supposing we have a perfect ADC.
The signal used in this case is a sinusoid.
\begin_layout Subsection
Non linearities
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Two-tone intermodulation distortion
\begin_layout Subsection
Signal windowing (why?)
\begin_layout Subsection
Sinusoidal wave frequency detection
\begin_layout Standard
In order to compute the SNR of a single tone signal, we need to know the
wave's parameters.
IEEE offers two different ways to solve this problem, wheter we know or
not the wave's frequency.
\begin_layout Standard
A wave is represented this way with five parameters:
\begin_inset Formula
\begin_layout Standard
The amplitude and the phase of the frequency can then be evaluted this way:
\begin_inset Formula
V & = & \sqrt{A^{2}+B^{2}}\\
\theta & = & \arctan\frac{B}{A}
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
This alghorithm evaluates A, B, C starting from
\begin_inset Formula $\omega$
\begin_layout Subsubsection
\begin_layout Standard
This alghorithm evaluates A, B, C and
\begin_inset Formula $\omega_{0}$
starting for an initial approximation of the angular frequency.
A good approximation is given by this formula:
\begin_inset Formula
\begin_inset Formula $X_{j}$
is the DFT of the signal,
\begin_inset Formula $f_{s}$
the sampling frequency and
\begin_inset Formula $M$
the number of samples of the signal.
\begin_layout Subsection
Performance parmeters
\begin_layout Standard
All these parameters are calculated for a digitized sinusoidal wave, eventually
multiplied with a window signal.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
SNR: Signal to Noise Ratio
\begin_layout Standard
The SNR is a rather important parameter, and its general formula is the
\begin_inset Formula
\begin_inset Formula $P_{s}$
being the signal-only power and
\begin_inset Formula $P_{n}$
the noise-only power.
\begin_layout Standard
To compute with great precision this value, we compare our wave with a synthetic
Using the data obtained from sinefit4 we can generate a signal that represents
with greater precision (as a perfect ADC) the sinusoid.
We then compute the power of the synthetic wave and the power of the difference
between the original and the synthetized waves.
We can use these powers to easily compute the SNR.
\begin_layout Subsubsection
SINAD: SIgnal to Noise And Distorsion ratio
\begin_layout Subsubsection
THD: Total Harmonic Distorsion
\begin_layout Subsubsection
ENOB: Effective Number Of Bits
\begin_layout Subsubsection
SFDR: Spurious Free Dynamic Range
\begin_layout Section
ACT: ADC Characterization Toolkit
\begin_layout Subsection
Single tone mode
\begin_layout Standard
When using this modality, the program will analyze data read either from
an ADC or a file.
The data must have been generated by sampling a single sinusoidal wave.
\begin_layout Standard
The file structure is rather easy:
\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset listings
inline false
status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_layout Plain Layout
nbits = n
\begin_layout Plain Layout
rate = Fs
\begin_layout Plain Layout
data =<tab>data[0]
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_layout Plain Layout
<tab>data[M -1]
\begin_layout Description
n number of bits of the ADC;
\begin_layout Description
Fs sampling rate;
\begin_layout Description
data a list of integers that represent the signal, always preceded by a
TAB character.
\begin_layout Subsection
Two tone mode
\begin_layout Subsection
Transfer function mode
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