Commit 9ea9cc9e authored by Federico Asara's avatar Federico Asara

Item class introduction: API base object, all the other objects that represents…

Item class introduction: API base object, all the other objects that represents a module must inherit from Item.

Waveform and Generator have been updated accordingly.
parent 29e32976
import serial
import time
from Configurable import *
from Utilities import * from Utilities import *
from Item import *
"""This class manages a generic waveform generator."""
class Generator(Item):
def get(self, what):
"""Get an attribute value. Supports Pyro4."""
return self.__getattribute__(what)
"""This class should manage a generic waveform generator""" def set(self, what, how):
class Generator(object): """Set an attribute value. Supports Pyro4."""
self.__setattr__(what, how)
# this dictionary is used to map data types into function which can
# translate such type of data into something the generator can understand.
adaptDict = {} adaptDict = {}
config = Configurable()
def adaptKeys(self):
"""Returns all data types supported."""
return self.adaptDict.keys()
def adapt(self, wave, *args, **kwargs): def adapt(self, wave, *args, **kwargs):
"""Adapt a wave to the generator"""
return self.adaptDict[type(wave)](wave, *args, **kwargs) return self.adaptDict[type(wave)](wave, *args, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Item.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
"""This class just represent an API item. An item is configurable and has two
methods, get and set, which actually wrap getattribute and setattr."""
class Item(object):
# these are the default values of the parameters used
# the key of the dictionary is the actual name of the parameter in the class
# the item is a list:
# 1. Name of the parameter
# 2. Description
# 3. Default value
# 4. Type (it's just an object, really)
_parameters = {}
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Create the object and loads alll the parameters from kwargs.
Look at _parameters for more information."""
self.parameters = dict(self._parameters)
for i in kwargs:
if i in self.parameters.keys():
self.parameters[i][2] = kwargs[i]
for i in self.parameters.keys():
self.__setattr__(i, self.parameters[i][2])
from numpy import array from numpy import array
from Configurable import * from Item import *
class Waveform(object): """This class represent a generic waveform."""
class Waveform(Item):
def get(self, what):
"""Get an attribute value. Supports Pyro4."""
return self.__getattribute__(what)
def set(self, what, how):
"""Set an attribute value. Supports Pyro4."""
self.__setattr__(what, how)
"""A waveform must provide this method.
Create a numeric array which represents the wave."""
def generate(self, nbits, frequency, samples, fsr): def generate(self, nbits, frequency, samples, fsr):
return array([]) return array([])
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Item.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
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