Commit 613f9895 authored by Dimitris Lampridis's avatar Dimitris Lampridis

Fix typos and avoid using floats for array indexing, solves #1615

parent d89f028a
......@@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ class SingleToneSignal(Signal):
fdft = self.fulldft
# index of the biggest peak
first = 1. + argmax(fdft[1:N/2])
first = 1 + argmax(fdft[1:N/2])
# index of the biggest peak nearest to `first`
# can only be first +-1.
second = first + ((fdft[first-1]<fdft[first+1])*2) -1
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ class SingleToneSignal(Signal):
# limit data removing incoherency
self.w0index = self.w0 /freqSample * self.nsamples
self.limit = floor(0.5 + N*int(self.w0index)/self.w0index)
self.limit = int(floor(0.5 + N*int(self.w0index)/self.w0index)) = data[:self.limit]
self.nsamples = len(
......@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ class SingleToneSignal(Signal):
tenHarmonicsValues = array(map(lambda x: x[2], tenHarmonics))
rssHarmonics = norm(tenHarmonicsValues)
output.THD = -dB(output.dft[w0index]/rssHarmonics)
output.THD = -dB(output.dft[int(w0index)]/rssHarmonics)
# we need the avg of HDs
avgHarmonics = mean(tenHarmonicsValues)
......@@ -220,11 +220,11 @@ class SingleToneSignal(Signal):
noiseMask = array(ones(len(output.dft)))
noiseMask[0] = 0
noiseMask[w0index] = 0
noiseMask[-w0index] = 0
noiseMask[int(w0index)] = 0
noiseMask[-int(w0index)] = 0
for i in thindex: noiseMask[int(i)] = 0
noise = where(noiseMask,, 0)
noise = where(noiseMask, output.dft, 0)
output.noisePower = (norm(noise)**2) / self.nsamples
......@@ -242,11 +242,11 @@ class SingleToneSignal(Signal):
output.ENOB = (output.SINAD - 1.76 + factor) / 6.02
# SFDR - should I use dB(x) instead of 10log10 ?
output.maxPeak = 10*log10(output.dft[w0index])
output.maxPeak = 10*log10(output.dft[int(w0index)])
secondPeak = max(thvalues)
output.secondPeak = 10*log10(secondPeak)
output.SFDR = 10*log10(output.dft[w0index]/secondPeak)
output.SFDR = 10*log10(output.dft[int(w0index)]/secondPeak)
return output
......@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ class WindowedSignal:
return data
def harmonicPeaksGenerator(self, start, end):
indexes = (self.adjust(x * self.w0index, self.nsamples -1) for x in xrange(start , end))
indexes = (self.adjust(x * int(self.w0index), self.nsamples -1) for x in xrange(start , end))
return ((i, self.ratio*i, self.dft[i]) for i in indexes)
def logHarmonicPeaksGenerator(self, start, end):
indexes = (self.adjust(x * self.w0index, self.nsamples -1) for x in xrange(start , end))
indexes = (self.adjust(x * int(self.w0index), self.nsamples -1) for x in xrange(start , end))
return ((i, self.ratio*i, self.ldft[i]) for i in indexes)
......@@ -322,8 +322,6 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
print 'Data fetch complete, elaboration is beginning'
print self.wave.getType()
if self.chain in ('adc', 'file'):
self.decision = self.modes[self.ui.modeBox.currentIndex()][1]
......@@ -382,7 +380,7 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def fetchFile(self):
return readFile(self.fileName)
return readFile(self.filename)
def fetchSynth(self):
self.frequencies = frequencies = self.fcCreateList()
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class ModuleSelector(QDialog):
if params[key][3] == 'file':
fileName = str(QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, caption = "Select device", directory = '/dev', filter = "*"))
if fileName != "":
item.setText(1, filename)
item.setText(1, fileName)
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