Commit f49ce93e authored by Fabien Le Mentec's avatar Fabien Le Mentec

fix: one more tick master clock frequency issue

parent 7ad46c48
......@@ -16,3 +16,4 @@ source biss.tcl
wave add /main/clk
wave add /main/ma_clk
wave add /main/ma_delayed_clk
wave add /main/master/ma_half_match
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -196,31 +196,29 @@ report "ma_fdiv'length too large" severity failure;
-- generate edges using a counter from ma_fdiv/2 to 0
ma_half_fdiv <= ma_fdiv srl 1;
ma_half_match <= '1' when ma_half_count = 1 else '0';
wait until rising_edge(clk);
ma_half_match <= '0';
if ((rst or ma_clk_rst_en) = '1') then
ma_half_count <= ma_half_fdiv;
elsif (ma_half_count = 0) then
if ((rst or ma_clk_rst_en or ma_half_match) = '1') then
ma_half_count <= ma_half_fdiv;
ma_half_match <= '1';
ma_half_count <= ma_half_count - 1;
end if;
end process;
wait until rising_edge(clk);
if ((rst or ma_clk_rst_en) = '1') then
ma_clk_val <= ma_clk_rst_val;
elsif (ma_half_match = '1') then
ma_clk_val <= not ma_clk_val;
ma_clk_val <= ma_clk_val xor ma_half_match;
end if;
end process;
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