Commit c31eda90 authored by Federico Asara's avatar Federico Asara

TTWaveform support added.

Pyro4 support added: introduction of get/set; when module is launched, an Agilent33250A object is exported with Pyro4.
Item API support.
Check if already connected when connecting, or if connection is already close if closing.
Code cleanup and documentation.
parent b469f507
from Generator import *
from SineWaveform import SineWaveform
from TTWaveform import TTWaveform
from serial import Serial
from struct import pack
from time import sleep
from numpy import ndarray
#~ import progressbar as pbar
"""This class should manage the Agilent 33250A waveform generator"""
import Pyro4
import Pyro4.util
"""This class manages the Agilent 33250A waveform generator, offering different ways
to control its output."""
class Agilent33250A(Generator):
_parameters = {'device':('Serial device', 'Serial device used to communicate with the generator', "/dev/ttyUSB1", 'file'),
'bauds':('Bauds', 'Speed of the communication', 9600, int),
'to':('Timeout', 'Timeout during read operations', 2, int),
'ict':('Inter character space', 'Pause time between each character sent', 1, int)}
def get(self, what):
"""Get an attribute value. Supports Pyro4."""
return self.__getattribute__(what)
def set(self, what, how):
"""Set an attribute value. Supports Pyro4."""
self.__setattr__(what, how)
_parameters = {'device':['Serial device', 'Serial device used to communicate with the generator', "/dev/ttyUSB1", 'file'],
'bauds':['Bauds', 'Speed of the communication', 9600, int],
'to':['Timeout', 'Timeout during read operations', 2, int],
'ict':['Inter character space', 'Pause time between each character sent', 1, int]}
# These are the functions the generator supports.
functionList = ('SIN', 'SQU', 'RAMP', 'PULS', 'NOIS', 'DC', 'USER')
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.parameters = dict(self._parameters)
for i in kwargs:
if i in self.parameters.keys():
self.parameters[i][2] = kwargs[i]
for i in self.parameters.keys():
self.__setattr__(i, self.parameters[i][2])
"""The initializer doesn't connect to the device."""
Generator.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.connected = False
self.adaptDict = {SineWaveform: self.adaptSine,
list: self.adaptData,
tuple: self.adaptData,
......@@ -32,33 +40,54 @@ class Agilent33250A(Generator):
str: self.adaptSavedFunction}
def connect(self):
""" Connect to the device"""
self.comm = Serial(port = self.device, baudrate = self.bauds, timeout =, interCharTimeout=self.ict)
print 'Waiting for 2 bytes from the device:',
self.connected = True
def close(self):
"""Close the connection to the device"""
if self.connected:
self.connected = False
# utilities
def adaptSavedFunction(self, wave, *args, **kwargs):
"""Play an already uploaded function."""
self.function = ('USER', wave)
return ""
def adaptSine(self, wave, *args, **kwargs):
"""Adapt a SineWaveform to a generator command"""
return "APPL:SIN %d HZ, %d VPP, %d V" % (wave.frequency, wave.amplitude, wave.dc)
def adaptData(self, data, *args, **kwargs):
"""Upload data to the volatile memory of the device and select it"""
self.dataUpload(data, *args, **kwargs)
self.function = ('USER')
self.function = ('USER', 'VOLATILE')
return ''
def play(self, wave, *args, **kwargs):
self.command(self.adapt(wave, *args, **kwargs))
'''Play a wave'''
cmd = self.adapt(wave, *args, **kwargs)
def command(self, what):
'''Send a (list of) command(s) to the device: a command is a string, and
this function appends automatically a new line.'''
if len(what) == 0:
if type(what) is str:
what = (what, )
if not self.connected:
return sum(map(lambda x: self.comm.write("%s\n" % x), what))
# output
......@@ -244,28 +273,8 @@ class Agilent33250A(Generator):
TTW is the time to wait between each character of the sequence, which
is transferred in ASCII"""
#~ i = str(len(data))
#~ widgets = ['Something: ', pbar.Percentage(), ' ', pbar.Bar(),
#~ ' ', pbar.ETA(), ' ', pbar.FileTransferSpeed()]
#~ progress = pbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets)
#~ d = pack('>%sh', data)
#~ command = 'DATA:DAC VOLATILE, #%d%s %s\n' % (len(i), i, d)
#~ progress = pbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets)
#~ for i in progress(command):
#~ self.comm.write(i)
#~ sleep(ttw)
#~ return
command = 'DATA:DAC VOLATILE, %s\n' % ', '.join(str(i) for i in data)
print "writing"
print "done"
#for i in progress(command):
# self.comm.write(i)
# sleep(ttw)
def dataStore(self, destination):
"""Save VOLATILE waveform into 'destination'"""
......@@ -312,10 +321,12 @@ class Agilent33250A(Generator):
self.command('DATA:DEL %s' % what)
# commands
def sweep(self, interval, waves, callback = None):
'''Commodity function: play all the waves in 'waves' with a pause of
'interval' seconds between each. If present, calls 'callback' passing
the wave as a first parameter.'''
for w in waves:
......@@ -323,17 +334,29 @@ class Agilent33250A(Generator):
if callback is not None:
# specify the name of the module
name = 'Agilent 33250A'
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
g = Agilent33250A(sys.argv[1])
g.output = True
# the interesting class
target = Agilent33250A
import sys
import commands
def launch():
g = target()
g.device = sys.argv[1]
hn = commands.getoutput('hostname')
waves = [SineWaveform(f = (i, 'KHZ')) for i in xrange(1, 30)]
def callback(x):
print x.frequency
daemon=Pyro4.Daemon(host = hn)
g.sweep(0.2, waves, callback)
myUri = daemon.register(g)
g.output = False
ns.register("Agilent33250A", myUri)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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