Commit 4f1aeb02 authored by Federico Asara's avatar Federico Asara

Documentation update.

parent 4a8839cd
......@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ status open
\align center
\begin_inset Graphics
filename images/adc_ideal.png
filename ../../adc.private/Docs/images/adc_ideal.png
......@@ -192,19 +192,6 @@ Ideal ADC transfer function
\begin_layout Subsection
Single Tone performance evaluation
\begin_layout Standard
In this mode the application will read a signal, be it from a file, synthetic
or from an ADC, and will try to evaluate a bunch of parameters, assuming
the data describes a sinewave.
The algorithms will eliminate any incoherency during the performance evaluation
, will then determine the frequency of the sinewave and then will calculate
\begin_layout Subsubsection
Parameters explained
......@@ -306,30 +293,6 @@ where
is the i-th harmonic expressed in dB.
\begin_layout Subsection
Two Tone Intermodulation Distortion evaluation
\begin_layout Standard
The application will read a signal from a source that is supposed to represent
two sinewaves with a very small difference between their frequencies.
If the ADC introduces harmonic distortions, these will be close to the
signal; these interferences cannot be easily eliminated by a filter.
\begin_layout Subsection
Frequency Sweep evaluation
\begin_layout Standard
This test mode is by far the most complete and complicated of all.
The application will control directly both a waveform generator (it could
also be a DAC) and the ADC being tested.
The idea is to generate a sinewave with a constant amplitude and change
its frequency in a defined range, using a certain succession of steps.
\begin_layout Section
Parameters evaluation formulae and algorithms
......@@ -384,7 +347,7 @@ status open
\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset Graphics
filename images/sineWave_FFT_spectral_leakage.png
filename ../../adc.private/Docs/images/sineWave_FFT_spectral_leakage.png
width 100text%
......@@ -1034,29 +997,6 @@ A good value of
\begin_layout Section
PAGE: Python ADC and Generators API
\begin_layout Standard
The PAGE API offers a Pyhton interface to control both ADC and generators;
a generator could be a waveform generator, like the Agilent 33250A, or
a DAC.
\begin_layout Subsection
\begin_layout Standard
A Generator is a device that outputs analog data following some specifications,
or from a digital signal.
All the generator should be able to produce a sinewave with a predefined
amplitude, frequency and DC component.
This allows us to implement
\begin_layout Section
ACT: ADC Characterization Toolkit
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