Commit 0161ea17 authored by Denia Bouhired-Ferrag's avatar Denia Bouhired-Ferrag

File to handle high frequency bursts in a dynamic way, on a pulse by pulse basis

parent e578169c
-- Burst mode control module
-- author: Denia Bouhired (
-- Date of creation: 19-09-2016
-- version: 1.0
-- description:
-- This module serves as a burst mode controller. When pulses of pre-defined length (250 ns) arrive, this module evaluates whether the module needs some "cool-off" time every burst_length number of pulses. Burst-length is the maximum number of pulses the board can handle at maximum frequency 2MHz and is determined through direct laboratory measurements on board prototypes. It is considered a pure hardware limitation. For version 1 this is set to absolute maximum of 1000 but the generic value can be changed for lower values.
-- dependencies:
-- This source file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-- under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
-- Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
-- option) any later version. This source is distributed in the hope that it
-- will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
-- See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have
-- received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
-- source; if not, download it from
-- last changes:
-- 19-09-2016 Denia Bouhired File created.
-- TODO: -
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use work.gencores_pkg.all;
use work.wishbone_pkg.all;
use work.conv_common_gw_pkg.all;
entity conv_dyn_burst_ctrl is
g_pwidth : natural range 2 to 40 := 5;
-- Duty cycle divider: D = 1/g_duty_cycle_div
g_duty_cycle_div : natural := 18;
g_1_pulse_energ :in unsigned (15 downto 0) := x"A410";
g_max_temp_rise :in unsigned (39 downto 0) := x"174876E800"
-- Clock and active-low reset inputs
clk_i : in std_logic;
rst_n_i : in std_logic;
-- Enable input, pulse generation is enabled when '1'
en_i : in std_logic;
pulse_burst_i : in std_logic;
temp_rise_c : out unsigned (39 downto 0) ;
pulse_burst_o : out std_logic;
-- Burst error output, pulses high for one clock cycle when a pulse arrives
-- within a burst rejection phase
burst_err_p_o : out std_logic
end entity conv_dyn_burst_ctrl;
architecture behav of conv_dyn_burst_ctrl is
type t_temp_decre is array (0 to 6) of integer;
-----signals declaration----------
signal temp_decre : t_temp_decre := (0, 1668, 200, 38, 20, 4, 100);
signal burst_ctrl_rst : std_logic;
signal pulse_train_in : std_logic;
signal temp_rise : unsigned (39 downto 0) ;
signal test : integer ;
signal temp_fall : unsigned (39 downto 0) ;
signal single_cycle_cnt : integer;
signal five_cycle_cnt : integer;
signal pulse_train_in_d0 : std_logic;
signal pulse_train_in_r_edge_p : std_logic;
signal pulse_train_in_f_edge_p : std_logic;
-- Generate the pulse on rising edge of pulse_burst_i
p_pulse_redge: process (clk_i, burst_ctrl_rst, pulse_burst_i, pulse_train_in_r_edge_p)
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if rst_n_i = '0' then
burst_err_p_o <= '0';
elsif (en_i = '1') then
if (burst_ctrl_rst = '1') then
if falling_edge(pulse_burst_i) then
pulse_train_in <= '0';
end if;
burst_err_p_o <= '0';
if pulse_train_in_r_edge_p = '1' then
burst_err_p_o <= '1';
end if;
elsif (burst_ctrl_rst = '0') then
--if (pulse_burst_i = '0') then
pulse_train_in <= pulse_burst_i; --re-activate output only if input line is off
--end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process p_pulse_redge;
p_pulse_redge_detect : process (clk_i) is
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if (rst_n_i = '0') then
pulse_train_in_d0 <= '0';
pulse_train_in_r_edge_p <= '0';
elsif (en_i='1') then
pulse_train_in_d0 <= pulse_burst_i;
pulse_train_in_r_edge_p <= pulse_burst_i and (not pulse_train_in_d0);
pulse_train_in_f_edge_p <= (not pulse_burst_i) and pulse_train_in_d0;
end if;
end if;
end process p_pulse_redge_detect;
pulse_burst_o <= pulse_train_in;
temp_rise_c <=temp_rise;
p_five_cycle_cnt : process(clk_i)
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if rst_n_i = '0' then
single_cycle_cnt <= 1;
five_cycle_cnt <= 1;
if pulse_train_in_r_edge_p = '1' and burst_ctrl_rst /= '1' then
single_cycle_cnt <= 1;
five_cycle_cnt <= 1;
elsif pulse_train_in = '0' then
single_cycle_cnt <= single_cycle_cnt+1;
if single_cycle_cnt = 5 then
if five_cycle_cnt < 7 then
five_cycle_cnt <= five_cycle_cnt + 1;
end if;
single_cycle_cnt <= 1;
--temp_fall <= to_unsigned(temp_decre(five_cycle_cnt), 40);
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process p_five_cycle_cnt;
p_thermal_sim : process (clk_i, five_cycle_cnt)
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
if rst_n_i = '0' then
temp_rise <= (others => '0');
burst_ctrl_rst <= '1';
if signed(temp_rise) >= 0 and (signed(temp_rise) <= signed(g_max_temp_rise)) then
if pulse_burst_i = '0' then
burst_ctrl_rst <= '0';
end if;
if pulse_train_in_r_edge_p = '1' and burst_ctrl_rst /= '1' then -- temperature less than maximum
temp_rise <= temp_rise + g_1_pulse_energ;
elsif signed(temp_rise) > 0 and pulse_train_in = '0' then --temperature fall between pulses
test <= temp_decre(five_cycle_cnt-1);
if temp_rise > 190 then
temp_rise <= temp_rise - to_unsigned(temp_decre(five_cycle_cnt-1), 40);
temp_rise <= (others => '0');
end if;
end if;
elsif (signed(temp_rise) > signed(g_max_temp_rise)) and pulse_train_in = '0' then -- and (pulse_train_in_f_edge_p = '1') then
burst_ctrl_rst <= '1';
temp_rise <= temp_rise - temp_decre(five_cycle_cnt-1);
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process p_thermal_sim;
end architecture behav;
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