Commit ca4a1cdf authored by Federico Vaga's avatar Federico Vaga

doc: simplify Makefile rule

Instead of computing the directories to exclude, just be precise on the files
to be included. Like this `find` will look only into the good directories
without the need to exclude some of them.

The same for doxygen.
Signed-off-by: Federico Vaga's avatarFederico Vaga <>
parent 43b82407
......@@ -45,12 +45,14 @@ else
# List of Doxygen folders to consider
DOXINPUT = ../software/lib ../software/firmware ../software/include
DOXEXCL = ../software/firmware/scripts ../software/lib/PyMockTurtle ../software/kernel
DOXINPUT := ../software/lib
DOXINPUT += ../software/firmware/lib
DOXINPUT += ../software/firmware/framework
DOXINPUT += ../software/include
DOXEXCL := ../software/lib/PyMockTurtle
# List of actual Doxygen source files
FINDEXCL = $(foreach xdir,$(DOXEXCL), ! -path "$(xdir)")
DOXSRC = $(shell find $(DOXINPUT) -type f $(FINDEXCL))
DOXSRC = $(shell find $(DOXINPUT) -type f -name '*.[chS]')
.doxystamp: $(DOXSRC)
GIT_VERSION=$(GIT_VERSION) DOXINPUT="$(DOXINPUT)" DOXEXCL="$(DOXEXCL)" doxygen ./doxygen-trtl-config
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