Commit a4a8ca36 authored by Federico Vaga's avatar Federico Vaga

doc: add introduction/README

Signed-off-by: Federico Vaga's avatarFederico Vaga <>
parent f1e6879a
.. _introduction:description:
The Mock Turtle is a framework to develop embedded systems.
The need for this framework comes from the fact that in some contexts
the development of a gateware core is more complex than writing a
software application. Software takes more computation time than a
custom-designed gateware core; but on the other hand, the development
and support efforts are significantly reduced. Mock Turtle is a solution
for such problem. The gateware core complexity is moved to the software
domain within the Mock Turtle boundaries, without sacrificing
The Mock Turtle framework provides an infrastructure on which you can
build an FPGA-based embedded system. The basic ingredient of this
framework is a soft-cpu multi-core environment that can be used to write
firmware to control/monitor gateware cores. In other words, you can
connect Mock Turtle to your gateware cores and control them with the
firmware running on the soft-cpu. In addition, the Mock Turtle framework
provides a communication channel between the firmware and the
host applications which can be used to configure or control the
The Mock Turtle framework focuses mainly on the determinism of the
firmware running in it. Indeed, Mock Turtle does not support any kind of
interrupt or scheduling which might compromise the determinism.
The Mock Turtle framework includes the following components:
- Gateware
- The Mock Turtle core
- Shared Memory among soft-CPUs and host system.
- Up to 8 soft-CPUs
- input channels (Host to Mock Turtle - hmq)
- output channels (Mock Turtle to Host - hmq)
- remote input channels (network to Mock Turtle - rmq)
- remote output channels (Mock Turtle to network -rmq)
- Software
- the Mock Turtle firmware library to access gateware cores from the
- the Mock Turtle firmware framework to develop firmware.
If the Mock Turtle is used within a Linux host system, the user can take
advantage of a number of software components which run on the host and
support Mock Turtle:
- the Mock Turtle Linux device driver;
- the Mock Turtle library that provides uniform access to the driver;
- the Mock Turtle Python module to access the library using Python.
The following figure shows the typical Mock Turtle architecture.
.. figure:: img/mock-turtle-overview.svg
:align: center
Mock Turtle Architecture Overview.
The blue and orange blocks are Mock Turtle components (respectively
software and gateware cores). The gray blocks are external components
(gateware cores or software) developed by the user. In purple any
external world communication over the network.
Mock Turtle Architecture Overview. The blue and orange blocks are
Mock Turtle components (respectively software and gateware cores).
The gray blocks are external components (gateware cores or software)
developed by the user. In purple any external world communication
over the network.
.. _introduction:use-cases:
Use Cases
The focus on the high determinism of the soft-cpus makes the Mock Turtle
a very good candidate to implement rtc systems and control
systems (which are, typically, rtc applications).
To make clear the system architecture differences let’s take the
classical control system from the control theory: the heating system. We
have a thermometer sensor, and an actuator to adjust the temperature.
The following figures show the control system architecture with and
without Mock Turtle.
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 0
:widths: 1 1
* - .. figure:: img/mock-turtle-use-case-1.svg
:align: center
Control system **without** Mock-Turtle
- .. figure:: img/mock-turtle-use-case-2.svg
:align: center
Control system **with** Mock-Turtle
In the scenario without Mock-Turtle in figure the
user is responsible for the entire development. On the other hands, with
Mock Turtle, the user will be responsible of the development only of
your business logic. This will limit your gateware development to the
essential blocks, and move the control logic to the software domain. You
do not have to care about the communication with the host system or the
external world because it’s already part of the Mock Turtle framework.
.. _introduction:when-do-not-consider-mock-turtle:
When Do Not Consider Mock Turtle
The Mock Turtle soft-CPUs have limited computation power, this precludes
some applications like: dsp.
If you really want to use Mock Turtle for dsp analysis, please consider
the development of a dedicated gateware core to perform the dsp analysis
and to use the Mock Turtle as a control system for the dsp gateware
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...@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ Welcome to Mock Turtle's documentation! ...@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ Welcome to Mock Turtle's documentation!
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Indices and tables Indices and tables
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