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wbgen2 is a tool for generating VHDL/Verilog cores which implement Wishbone bus slaves with certain registers, memory blocks, FIFOs and interrupts. The input is a C-like syntax file with an abstract description of what do we want to have in the slave. As a result, we get:
- Automatically allocated memory layout
- VHDL/Verilog code for the slave module
- C header files for driver development - Nice HTML documentation
Read the wbgen2-Documentation Get the latest version binaries https://www.ohwr.org/attachments/5659/wbgen2-bin.tar.bz2
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A project to host all software and hardware developments related to testing the White Rabbit switch.
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A project to host all software and hardware developments related to testing the White Rabbit switch.
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Development of software for the White Rabbit switch, and in particular the embedded Linux system running in the ARM9 processor. More info at the Wiki page
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This project guides new users to start in the White Rabbit “World” with simple experiments. The starting kit uses two SPEC + FMC-DIO cards. Each node allows basic operations such as input timestamping or programmable output pulse generation. Additionally, specific software and gateware layers allow to use it as a standard network interface card implementing the White Rabbit technology functionalities.
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This project focuses on performing with high precision the core WR PTP calculations in fixed-point arithmetic. This will ensure uniform input parameters, code and precision across all WR implementations.
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Project containing information about how to calibrate White Rabbit gear. See also https://www.ohwr.org/project/white-rabbit/wikis/Calibration More info at the Wiki page
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The VFC is a VME carrier for two VITA 57 (FMC) mezzanines. For more details please refer to the wiki pages. Obsolete project. Replaced by VFC-HD.
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A VHDL core for a VME64x slave. The other side behaves like a Wishbone master.
More info at the Wiki pageUpdated -
A VHDL core for a VME64x slave. The other side behaves like a Wishbone master.
More info at the Wiki pageUpdated -
VHDL coding style document to be used at ohwr.org The project contains also a tool to automatically check the coding style. More info at the Wiki page
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The TimIQ system is an IQ modulator allowing to phase shift a radio frequency clock with a resolution of 40 fs and an accuracy of 8 ps. Software.
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Configuration and boot software required to start up the SPEC7 board
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A simple 4-lane PCIe carrier for a FPGA Mezzanine Card (VITA 57). It supports the White Rabbit timing and control network. More info at the Wiki page
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White Rabbit PTP Core software for LatticeMico32. It consists of a software wrapper for running a PTP daemon without an operating system and device drivers for WRPC HDL internals.