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Software support for the SVEC board, including kernel and user-space Linux code.
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A simple VME64x carrier for two low pin count FPGA Mezzanine Cards (VITA 57). It has memory and clocking resources and supports the White Rabbit timing and control network. Commercially available. More info at the Wiki page
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A simple 4-lane PCIe carrier for a low pin count FPGA Mezzanine Card (VITA 57). It supports the White Rabbit timing and control network. Commercially available. Linux and Labview drivers available for some mezzanine cards. More info at the Wiki page
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Couples a MAROC ASIC (64 channels each with a fixed threshold discriminator and a slow shaper + sample-and-hold + 12-bit ADC) to a FPGA. Read-out by Gigabit Ethernet (firmware supplied supports IPBus). Multiple boards can be plugged together to increase the channel count. Clocking circuitry compatible with the White Rabbit implementation of PTP. More info at the Wiki page
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This is a PCB-design + Arduino firmware for an Ethernet-controlled 1:8 RF-multiplexer. It allows selecting as output one of eight input-channels, as commonly used e.g. in timing-laboratories when one wants to measure many RF-sources (clock outputs like 1PPS or 10MHz) with a single instrument (frequency or time-interval counter). The design is for two independent MUX-boards to fit in a 1U 19” rack enclosure. For more information, see the wiki
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Projects / Respir-OS
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterOpen design and implementation of a low-cost ventilator for COVID-19 patients. More info at the Wiki page
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Programmable attenuator of RF signals with very high voltage range (50mV – 1000 V) for protecting digitizers against damage by high voltage signals. Four channels with SMA connectors; Three attenuation values: 0, -20, -40 dB; Bandwidth: DC – 2 GHz.
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A software suite written in Python to help with production tests of PCBs. AKA PTS.
%(red)This pts-base project is used to re-organise the current pts project In the future this project will replace the existing pts project.
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A software suite written in Python to help with production tests of PCBs. AKA PTS.
%(red)This pts-base project is used to re-organise the current pts project In the future this project will replace the existing pts project.
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A VHDL core for a PCI slave. The other side behaves like a Wishbone master.
More info at the Wiki pageUpdated -
Production and functional tests for PandABox.
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Projects / openMMC
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyMMC firmware written in C, running on a microcontroller inside the board. Written first for the AFC boards. This firmware is thought to be generic enough so other AMC boards could reuse a large part of it. For now, the only "port" is for the LPC1764 chip, but more are planned.
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OpenBreath / Open Breath Lung Ventilator
CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Strongly ReciprocalOpen Breath lung ventilator. It is developed to be low-cost, scalable and easily manufactured. It can be used in Pressure and Volume Control, SIMV+PS and CPAP functions. More info at the Wiki page
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Multi-channel Time Interval Counter and fine delay generator. Housed in a 19" module. Research project. More info at the Wiki page
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Mock Turtle is an HDL core of a generic control system node, based on a deterministic multicore CPU architecture. Mock Turtle can use White Rabbit as the means of communication and synchronization in a distributed system. More info at the Wiki page
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High-resolution frequency/phase-microstepper for timing laboratories. More info at the Wiki page
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Libre-FDATool is a Python package aimed at helping in the analysis and design of HDL filters from high-level specifications. This Free/Libre Open Source software supports both VHDL and Verilog code generation and relies on a collection of Free scientific and EDA tools for providing advanced features -- simulation, graphics, debugging, etc.
In order to overcome the problems often related with deploying open design toolchains from the ground up across different host environments, Libre-FDATool and the associated third-party tools are alternatively distributed in a customized GNU/Linux virtual machine image. This virtualized solution is ready to use right out of the box and can be easily deployed by only using free software in any mainstream Operating System (GNU/Linux, Windows, OS-X, Solaris).
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Legacy-VME64x core implements a legacy VME (VMEbus IEEE-1014) and VME64x (based on the vme64x-core) slave.
The core offers for SoC interconnection:
Master WB interconnection and Slave WB for MSI IRQ.The core also provides a universal layer abstraction for common hardware components in VME design (e.g VME buffers). It allows for geographical and hardware switch addressing. More info at the Wiki page
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Idrogen is an Arria10 FPGA board with FMC mezzanine.
PCB design is performed by IJCLab / CNRS-IN2P3. Firmware is developed by Observatoire Radioastronomique de Nançay (ORN) / Observatoire de Paris/ CNRS-INSU