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Projects / HEV - High Energy Ventilator
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterThe open-source HEV ventilator implements the modes PC-A/C, PC-A/C-PRVC, PC-PSV and CPAP More info at the Wiki page
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OpenBreath / Open Breath Lung Ventilator
CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Strongly ReciprocalOpen Breath lung ventilator. It is developed to be low-cost, scalable and easily manufactured. It can be used in Pressure and Volume Control, SIMV+PS and CPAP functions. More info at the Wiki page
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High-resolution frequency/phase-microstepper for timing laboratories. More info at the Wiki page
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Rules for low-level software to check an FPGA for sanity, to ease debugging and to provide support for low-level software auto-configuration for byte-order and optional components. More info at Wiki
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A distributed oscilloscope based on the White Rabbit network. More info at the Wiki page
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This project focuses on performing with high precision the core WR PTP calculations in fixed-point arithmetic. This will ensure uniform input parameters, code and precision across all WR implementations.
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The TimIQ system is an IQ modulator allowing to phase shift a radio frequency clock with a resolution of 40 fs and an accuracy of 8 ps. Software.
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Projects / Euro ADC 65M 14b 40cha gw PUMA-gw
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Projects / AIDA-2020 TLU - Gateware
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterFPGA Firmware ( "Gateware" ) for AIDA-2020 TLU and AIDA mini-TLU
Uses "IPBus Build" ( ipbb )
Build instructions at Instructions here
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This is a PCB-design + Arduino firmware for an Ethernet-controlled 1:8 RF-multiplexer. It allows selecting as output one of eight input-channels, as commonly used e.g. in timing-laboratories when one wants to measure many RF-sources (clock outputs like 1PPS or 10MHz) with a single instrument (frequency or time-interval counter). The design is for two independent MUX-boards to fit in a 1U 19” rack enclosure. For more information, see the wiki
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VHDL coding style document to be used at ohwr.org The project contains also a tool to automatically check the coding style. More info at the Wiki page
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A simple 4-lane PCIe carrier for a FPGA Mezzanine Card (VITA 57). It supports the White Rabbit timing and control network. More info at the Wiki page
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High performance pulse and frequency distribution amplifier for time and frequency metrology. The pulse distribution board is an 1:8-channel (1 Hz and up) logic-level distribution amplifier, while the frequency distribution board is an 1:8-channel sine-wave (1-30 MHz) distribution amplifier. Two 1:8 boards fit side-by-sides in a 1U 19" rack enclosure, with either BNC or SMA connectors.
For more information, see the wiki
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A VME rear transition module providing fibre-optic and electrical (RS485) inputs and outputs. Uses the CONV-TTL-RS485 as front-module. More info at the Wiki page
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Production and functional tests for PandABox.
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Project containing information about how to calibrate White Rabbit gear. See also https://www.ohwr.org/project/white-rabbit/wikis/Calibration More info at the Wiki page
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Projects / openMMC
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyMMC firmware written in C, running on a microcontroller inside the board. Written first for the AFC boards. This firmware is thought to be generic enough so other AMC boards could reuse a large part of it. For now, the only "port" is for the LPC1764 chip, but more are planned.
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Production and functional tests for fmc-dac-600m-12b-1cha-dds
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Software to support the FMC ADC 400k 18b 4cha iso mezzanine, including Linux device driver, library and test program.
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Gateware (HDL design) for FMC ADC 400k 18b 4cha iso on SPEC and SVEC carriers.