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We have designed an FPGA Mezzanine card (standard FMC/Vita 57) for high-channel-count electrophysiology, with 128 channels (potentially up to 512), based upon Intan Tech's RHA2132 (2 uV rms input-referred noise), sampled at 25kHz 18bit by AD7982. We are basing our design on the reference design provided by Reid Harrison of Intan Tech for their 16-channel evaluation board. The expected cost of the device should be under 5000$.
In order to have an integrated solution we intend to have as default carrier the Opal Kelly Shuttle LX1, an inexpensive USB FMC carrier with an excellent USB controller. The integrated solution will be completed with software on the PC side to grab to disk continuously and/or display in some fashion all 128 channels.
Our status: We have an alpha card. It has passed most tests---we can grab from any channel at 1MS/s. We have an alpha microcode: it grabs from any channel and stores on the PC.
Our current team: Marcelo Magnasco (Rockefeller University, New York), design. Andres Cicuttin (ICTP, Trieste), schematics + fpga Maria Liz Crespo (ICTP, Trieste), fpga Sanjee Abeytunge (MSKCC, New York) layout Nicholas Joseph (RU) Macintosh drivers
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The robustness of a White Rabbit Network (WRN) is a broad subject covering methods (HW & SW) which enable to increase overall reliability of a WR-based system. This includes Forward Error Correction (FEC), Quality of Service (QoS) assurance, support of network redundancy, proper network design, thorough diagnostics, and increasing the reliability of network components (i.e. switches, nodes). Here, these methods are described and their implementation sources gathered.
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Couples a MAROC ASIC (64 channels each with a fixed threshold discriminator and a slow shaper + sample-and-hold + 12-bit ADC) to a FPGA. Read-out by Gigabit Ethernet (firmware supplied supports IPBus). Multiple boards can be plugged together to increase the channel count. Clocking circuitry compatible with the White Rabbit implementation of PTP. More info at the Wiki page
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David Cussans / AIDAInnova_TLU-gw
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterFirmware(gateware) for FPGA on AIDA-Innova TLU ( AIDAInnova_TLU )
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Production and functional tests for PXIe controller COM Express based. More info at the Wiki page
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DDR3 controller with two pipelined Wishbone slave ports. It is based on the Spartan6 hardware core and a management core generated by Xilinx CoreGen.
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Gateware for Beam Position Monitor, including digital signal processing chains, data acquisition engines, ADC and analog front-end peripherals control/monitoring, timing and control system interface.
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A low cost, low complexity FMC carrier based on Xilinx Artix-7
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Pascal Bos / Hdlmake
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyTool for generating multi-purpose makefiles for FPGA projects.
Main features:
makefile generation for: fetching modules from repositories simulating HDL projects synthesizing HDL projects synthesizing projects remotely (keeping your local resources free) generating multi-vendor project files (no clicking in the IDE!) many other things without involving make and makefilesHdlmake supports modularity, scalability, revision control systems. Hdlmake can be run on any Linux or Windows machine with any HDL More info at the Wiki page
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Project containing information about how to calibrate White Rabbit gear. See also https://www.ohwr.org/project/white-rabbit/wikis/Calibration More info at the Wiki page
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VHDL core for absolute position encoders (SSI, BISS, ENDAT).
More info at the Wiki pageUpdated -
Brian Koropoff / Hdlmake
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyTool for generating multi-purpose makefiles for FPGA projects.
Main features:
makefile generation for: fetching modules from repositories simulating HDL projects synthesizing HDL projects synthesizing projects remotely (keeping your local resources free) generating multi-vendor project files (no clicking in the IDE!) many other things without involving make and makefilesHdlmake supports modularity, scalability, revision control systems. Hdlmake can be run on any Linux or Windows machine with any HDL More info at the Wiki page