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Production and functional tests for Conv TTL Blocking. More info at the Wiki page
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Projects / DCES-DTRHF-SER1CH-v1
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyData centre environmental sensor - Dust, Temperature, Relative Humidity, Fan - Serial 1 channel - version 1. An environmental sensor for Data Centers that continuously measures airborne particle density in high airflow as well as temperature and relative humidity. It can control its fan speed if needed (PWM controlled fans) and monitors FAN rotational speed (tachometer equipped fans) for precise airflow control and monitoring. It is close to maintenance free and can be integrated in compact enclosures (for example tape drive tray or even an ATX PSU case...). More info at the Wiki page
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Projects / Simple PCIe FMC carrier SPEC - Software
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterSoftware support for the SPEC board, including kernel and user-space Linux code. The package also include the fmc-bus driver, which is expected to be used by other carriers as well.
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EPICS support for Wishbone peripherals: This project consist of a Generic EPICS IOC AsynDriver to support wishbone peripheral. It include the following features:
Driver for X1052, Gennum, Etherbone WB master. Direct access to any register in the wishbone bus Auto-generation of EPICS Database file using wbgen2 Automatic real number convertion (2 complements, fixed point, signess) using .wb file Support for WR Core and other internal bus protocols (i2c, spi, etc.)Updated -
Projects / Wishbone slave generator
Affero General Public License v1.0wbgen2 is a tool for generating VHDL/Verilog cores which implement Wishbone bus slaves with certain registers, memory blocks, FIFOs and interrupts. The input is a C-like syntax file with an abstract description of what do we want to have in the slave. As a result, we get:
- Automatically allocated memory layout
- VHDL/Verilog code for the slave module
- C header files for driver development - Nice HTML documentation
Read the wbgen2-Documentation Get the latest version binaries https://www.ohwr.org/attachments/5659/wbgen2-bin.tar.bz2
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Pascal Bos / Hdlmake
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyTool for generating multi-purpose makefiles for FPGA projects.
Main features:
makefile generation for: fetching modules from repositories simulating HDL projects synthesizing HDL projects synthesizing projects remotely (keeping your local resources free) generating multi-vendor project files (no clicking in the IDE!) many other things without involving make and makefilesHdlmake supports modularity, scalability, revision control systems. Hdlmake can be run on any Linux or Windows machine with any HDL More info at the Wiki page
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This project hosts compliance tests dedicated for WR devices and based on the ATTEST framework available from Veryx Technologies. To use the material available in this project, the ATTEST framework needs to be purchased.
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On the Open Hardware Repository you can find projects which use soft-cpu (e.g. mock-turtle, white-rabbit-core, wr-switch). This project offers a toolchain that you can use to compile your code for the soft-cpu target (only LM32 for the time being). The project provides only the necessary makefiles to build the toolchain, so it will be necessary to compile the toolchain.
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This project defines data structures, to be embedded in the FPGA memory address space, to enumerate the devices that have been synthetized in the current design. The same structure is also used as a simple flash file system. AKA Self-Describing Bus (SDB) Specification for Logic Cores. The layout is simple enough to be parsed both by the host and by the internal soft-core, if any.
The documentation is public, and related code is GNU GPL licensed.
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Rules for low-level software to check an FPGA for sanity, to ease debugging and to provide support for low-level software auto-configuration for byte-order and optional components. More info at Wiki
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Configuration and boot software required to start up the SPEC7 board
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Production and functional tests for FMC TDC 1ns 5cha.
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Mathieu Saccani / VME64x core - msaccani
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyA VHDL core for a VME64x slave. The other side behaves like a Wishbone master.
More info at the Wiki pageUpdated -
Software to support the fmc-adc-100m14b4cha mezzanine, including Linux device driver, library and test program.
Archived 0Updated -
A USB controlled switch box with 1 to 4 switching. Can send out a reference voltage. Multiple configurations possible. Used for the calibration of ADC, TDC and Fine delay mezzanines. More info at the Wiki page
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