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  • LIBSFP is a software library that contains generic functions to access SFP devices via I2C.

    More info can be found on this wiki page.

  • Collection of WRTD reference designs provided by (and used at) CERN

    Topics: WRTD
  • PHASE (Portable Hardware Analyzer with Sharing Explorer) aims at unifying hardware debugging in a single tool. From the host machine, a user may graphically interconnect components to describe the connection between his computer and the target device to debug. For example, a USB JTAG cable might be the root node, connected to an Arria2 development board with a CPLD and an FPGA, containing a LM32 processor.

    Wherever possible, PHASE fetches design descriptions from the internet based on the detected JTAG IDCODEs, USB vendor IDs, or PnP BUS information. In the preceding example, each step of the chain would be automatically detected. The USB cable from the vendor+product codes, the FPGA from the JTAG IDCODE and the LM32 from the Arria2's sld hub. The user would now be presented with read/write access to the data and instruction buses for visual inspection or firmware loading. Furthermore, the user could launch gdb to halt and single-step the embedded LM32 CPU.

    If a device is not yet described, the user may assemble a driver out of the reusable software components. For example, an Altera USB-Blaster driver is just a FTDI device chained with a byte packeter and a JTAG bit banger. Once the design has been graphically assembled, it is automatically scanned for attached JTAG devices and the USB cable design is shared online with any future users of the same cable.

  • A system to characterize large area silicon pad sensors with several hundred channels. This repository contains the microcontroller firmware.

  • Etherbone is an FPGA-core that connects Ethernet to internal on-chip wishbone buses permitting any core to talk to any other across Ethernet.

  • SDB (Self-describing Bus) allows to enumerate the cores that are live in the current FPGA binary, either from the host computer or from the internal soft-core CPU in the FPGA itself. The project provides the software support and the specification. More info at the Wiki page

  • We have designed an FPGA Mezzanine card (standard FMC/Vita 57) for high-channel-count electrophysiology, with 128 channels (potentially up to 512), based upon Intan Tech's RHA2132 (2 uV rms input-referred noise), sampled at 25kHz 18bit by AD7982. We are basing our design on the reference design provided by Reid Harrison of Intan Tech for their 16-channel evaluation board. The expected cost of the device should be under 5000$.

    In order to have an integrated solution we intend to have as default carrier the Opal Kelly Shuttle LX1, an inexpensive USB FMC carrier with an excellent USB controller. The integrated solution will be completed with software on the PC side to grab to disk continuously and/or display in some fashion all 128 channels.

    Our status: We have an alpha card. It has passed most tests---we can grab from any channel at 1MS/s. We have an alpha microcode: it grabs from any channel and stores on the PC.

    Our current team: Marcelo Magnasco (Rockefeller University, New York), design. Andres Cicuttin (ICTP, Trieste), schematics + fpga Maria Liz Crespo (ICTP, Trieste), fpga Sanjee Abeytunge (MSKCC, New York) layout Nicholas Joseph (RU) Macintosh drivers

  • This library provides a generic API for ADC devices, so that applications can use this API to access any of the supported ADC boards. Currently the library supports the following boards:


    For testing and debugging purpose it supports also a couple of virtual boards that you can use to start the development of your application.

    More info at the Wiki page

  • A software framework for Linux device drivers aimed at supporting controls and data acquisition hardware. ZIO supports sub-nanosecond timestamps, block-oriented input and output and transport of meta-data with the data samples. Users can change the buffer type and trigger type associated with a device at run time, and all of devices, triggers and buffers are easily implemented as add-on modules.

    The PF_ZIO implementation, currently in beta status, implements a network interface to the ZIO transport, which allows each I/O channel to generate or receive network frames. Applications see the network of devices and can talk with several of them from the same socket. We support SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM and SOCK_RAW.

  • Projects / FMC DEL 1ns 4cha - stand-alone application

    GNU General Public License v3.0 only

    A fully operational stand-alone FMC Delay card based White-Rabbit node which can be initialized and perform periodic calibrations without requiring to be plugged on a PC, reducing final system cost, size and power consumption. More info at the Wiki page

  • David Cussans / AIDAInnova_TLU-gw

    GNU General Public License v3.0 or later

    Firmware(gateware) for FPGA on AIDA-Innova TLU ( AIDAInnova_TLU )

  • Programmable attenuator of RF signals with very high voltage range (50mV – 1000 V) for protecting digitizers against damage by high voltage signals. Four channels with SMA connectors; Three attenuation values: 0, -20, -40 dB; Bandwidth: DC – 2 GHz.

  • A software suite written in Python to help with production tests of PCBs. AKA PTS.

    %(red)This pts-base project is used to re-organise the current pts project In the future this project will replace the existing pts project.

    More info at the Wiki page

  • TiCkS is a flexible White Rabbit based time-stamping board. It is based on the SPEC board developed for the CTA collaboration. It provides an interface to a CTA camera (Inputs: Read-out Trigger signals, Busy Trigger), (Outputs: PPS signal , 10MHz clock, External trigger signal).

    More info at the Wiki page

  • A software framework for Linux device drivers aimed at supporting controls and data acquisition hardware. ZIO supports sub-nanosecond timestamps, block-oriented input and output and transport of meta-data with the data samples. Users can change the buffer type and trigger type associated with a device at run time, and all of devices, triggers and buffers are easily implemented as add-on modules.

    The PF_ZIO implementation, currently in beta status, implements a network interface to the ZIO transport, which allows each I/O channel to generate or receive network frames. Applications see the network of devices and can talk with several of them from the same socket. We support SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM and SOCK_RAW.

  • EPICS support for Wishbone peripherals: This project consist of a Generic EPICS IOC AsynDriver to support wishbone peripheral. It include the following features:

    Driver for X1052, Gennum, Etherbone WB master. Direct access to any register in the wishbone bus Auto-generation of EPICS Database file using wbgen2 Automatic real number convertion (2 complements, fixed point, signess) using .wb file Support for WR Core and other internal bus protocols (i2c, spi, etc.)

    More info at the Wiki page

  • Projects / Simple PCIe FMC carrier SPEC - Software

    GNU General Public License v2.0 or later

    Software support for the SPEC board, including kernel and user-space Linux code. The package also include the fmc-bus driver, which is expected to be used by other carriers as well.

  • A project to host all software and hardware developments related to testing the White Rabbit switch.

  • A VHDL core for a PCI slave. The other side behaves like a Wishbone master.

    More info at the Wiki page
  • A system to characterise large area silicon pad sensors with several hundred channels. It consists of two PCBs. One is an active switching 512-to-1 matrix. The second one is a passive probe card to contact the sensor. Software.
