Commit 5f924703 authored by Dave Newbold's avatar Dave Newbold

Removing test outputs

parent f3e359aa
......@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ entity top is port(
sync_in: in std_logic; -- IO via timing interface
trig_in: in std_logic;
trig_out: out std_logic;
adc_d_p: inout std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); -- ADC serial input data
adc_d_n: inout std_logic_vector(63 downto 0)
adc_d_p: in std_logic_vector(63 downto 0); -- ADC serial input data
adc_d_n: in std_logic_vector(63 downto 0)
end top;
......@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
<node id="invert" mask="0x4"/>
<node id="mode" mask="0x10"/>
<node id="src" mask="0xc0"/>
<node id="tt" mask="0x100"/>
<node id="stat" address="0x1">
<node id="cap_full" mask="0x1"/>
......@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ entity sc_chan is
rst40: in std_logic;
clk160: in std_logic;
clk280: in std_logic;
d_p: inout std_logic;
d_n: inout std_logic;
d_p: in std_logic;
d_n: in std_logic;
sync_ctrl: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
zs_sel: in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
sctr: in std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
......@@ -114,7 +114,6 @@ begin
ctrl_invert <= ctrl(0)(2);
ctrl_mode <= ctrl(0)(4);
ctrl_src <= ctrl(0)(7 downto 6);
ctrl_tt <= not ctrl(0)(8);
slip <= sync_ctrl(0) and ctrl_en_sync; -- CDC
cap <= sync_ctrl(1) and ctrl_en_sync; -- CDC
......@@ -147,8 +146,7 @@ begin
slip => slip,
inc => inc,
cntout => cntout,
q => d_in,
tt => ctrl_tt
q => d_in
d_in_i <= d_in when ctrl_invert = '0' else not d_in;
......@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ entity sc_channels is
rst40: in std_logic;
clk160: in std_logic;
clk280: in std_logic;
d_p: inout std_logic_vector(N_CHAN - 1 downto 0);
d_n: inout std_logic_vector(N_CHAN - 1 downto 0);
d_p: in std_logic_vector(N_CHAN - 1 downto 0);
d_n: in std_logic_vector(N_CHAN - 1 downto 0);
sync_ctrl: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
zs_sel: in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
sctr: in std_logic_vector(47 downto 0);
......@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ entity sc_daq is
led_out: out std_logic;
chan: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
chan_err: out std_logic;
d_p: inout std_logic_vector(N_CHAN - 1 downto 0);
d_n: inout std_logic_vector(N_CHAN - 1 downto 0);
d_p: in std_logic_vector(N_CHAN - 1 downto 0);
d_n: in std_logic_vector(N_CHAN - 1 downto 0);
clk125: in std_logic;
rst125: in std_logic;
pllclk: in std_logic;
......@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ entity sc_input_serdes is
clk: in std_logic;
rst: in std_logic;
clk_s: in std_logic;
d_p: inout std_logic;
d_n: inout std_logic;
d_p: in std_logic;
d_n: in std_logic;
slip: in std_logic;
inc: in std_logic;
cntout: out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);
......@@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ architecture rtl of sc_input_serdes is
signal d: std_logic_vector(13 downto 0);
signal s1, s2: std_logic;
signal clk_sb: std_logic;
signal k: std_logic_vector(13 downto 0);
signal tq: std_logic;
......@@ -140,38 +138,4 @@ begin
dynclksel => '0'
-- Test logic
if rising_edge(clk_s) then
if rst = '1' then
k <= "00000000000001";
k <= k(12 downto 0) & '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
oreg: ODDR
generic map(
port map(
q => tq,
c => clk_s,
ce => '1',
d1 => k(0),
d2 => k(1),
s => '0'
port map(
i => tq,
t => tt,
o => d_p,
ob => d_n
end rtl;
......@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ entity payload is
sync_in: in std_logic;
trig_in: in std_logic;
trig_out: out std_logic;
adc_d_p: inout std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
adc_d_n: inout std_logic_vector(63 downto 0)
adc_d_p: in std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
adc_d_n: in std_logic_vector(63 downto 0)
end payload;
......@@ -184,14 +184,6 @@ begin
o => open
port map(
i => '0',
t => '1',
o => adc_d_p(i),
ob => adc_p_n(i)
end generate;
end rtl;
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