Commit 4082b690 authored by Dave Newbold's avatar Dave Newbold

Adding coinc to sim

parent 84db9406
......@@ -44,9 +44,7 @@ begin
-- Define the trigger condition
variable y, x: std_logic;
y := '0';
x := '0';
......@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ package top_decl is
type sc_ch_array_t is array(N_CHAN / 4 - 1 downto 0) of integer;
constant SC_CH_Y0: sc_ch_array_t := (0 => 0);
constant SC_CH_Y1: sc_ch_array_t := (0 => 2);
constant SC_CH_X0: sc_ch_array_t := (0 => 4);
constant SC_CH_X1: sc_ch_array_t := (0 => 6);
constant SC_CH_Y1: sc_ch_array_t := (0 => 1);
constant SC_CH_X0: sc_ch_array_t := (0 => 2);
constant SC_CH_X1: sc_ch_array_t := (0 => 3);
end top_decl;
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