Commit cef41e4a authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

dev_io/dev_io.c: use zsys_daemonize () instead of daemon ()

This improves portability, as zsys_daemonize ()
is system independent.
parent e96f61f3
......@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ void print_help (char *program_name)
"\t-h This help message\n"
"\t-f Configuration file\n"
"\t-d Daemon mode.\n"
"\t-w Daemon working directory.\n"
"\t-v Verbose output\n"
"\t-n <devio_type = [be|fe]> Devio type\n"
"\t-t <device_type = [eth|pcie]> Device type\n"
......@@ -96,7 +97,8 @@ void print_help (char *program_name)
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
int verbose = 0;
int daemonize = 0;
int devio_daemonize = 0;
char *devio_work_dir = NULL;
char *devio_type_str = NULL;
char *dev_type = NULL;
char *dev_entry = NULL;
......@@ -123,9 +125,13 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[])
DBE_DEBUG (DBG_DEV_IO | DBG_LVL_TRACE, "[dev_io] Verbose mode set\n");
else if (streq (argv[i], "-d")) {
daemonize = 1;
devio_daemonize = 1;
DBE_DEBUG (DBG_DEV_IO | DBG_LVL_TRACE, "[dev_io] Demonize mode set\n");
else if (streq (argv[i], "-w")) {
str_p = &devio_work_dir;
DBE_DEBUG (DBG_DEV_IO | DBG_LVL_TRACE, "[dev_io] Will set devio_work_dir\n");
else if (streq (argv[i], "-n")) {
str_p = &devio_type_str;
DBE_DEBUG (DBG_DEV_IO | DBG_LVL_TRACE, "[dev_io] Will set devio_type parameter\n");
......@@ -172,11 +178,15 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[])
/* Daemonize dev_io */
if (daemonize != 0) {
int rc = daemon(0, 0);
if (devio_daemonize != 0) {
if (devio_work_dir == NULL) {
DBE_DEBUG (DBG_DEV_IO | DBG_LVL_FATAL, "[dev_io] Daemon working directory not specified\n");
goto err_exit;
int rc = zsys_daemonize (devio_work_dir);
if (rc != 0) {
perror ("[dev_io] daemon");
DBE_DEBUG (DBG_DEV_IO | DBG_LVL_FATAL, "[dev_io] Fail to daemonize\n");
goto err_exit;
......@@ -449,6 +459,8 @@ err_exit:
free (*str_p);
str_p = &devio_type_str;
free (*str_p);
str_p = &devio_work_dir;
free (*str_p);
str_p = &cfg_file;
free (*str_p);
return 0;
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