Commit 59ca297f authored by Lucas Russo's avatar Lucas Russo

sm_io/*/acq/*: remove extra trigger type variable

We already have the trigger type from
a previous "get". So, we don't need to read
it again.
parent acbe7be1
......@@ -159,19 +159,16 @@ static int _acq_data_acquire (void *owner, void *args, void *ret)
"Number of shots = %u\n", acq_core_shots);
smio_thsafe_client_write_32 (self, ACQ_CORE_REG_SHOTS, &acq_core_shots);
uint32_t trigger = 0;
_acq_get_trigger_type (self, &trigger);
/* FIXME FPGA Firmware requires number of samples to be divisible by
* acquisition channel sample size */
uint32_t samples_alignment =
uint32_t num_samples_pre_aligned = hutils_align_value(num_samples_pre,
uint32_t num_samples_pre_aligned = hutils_align_value (num_samples_pre,
/* FIXME. Curently, the FPGA gateware does not support triggered acquisitions with
* post_samples = 0. See github lnls-bpm/bpm-gw#62 */
uint32_t num_samples_post_aligned = (num_samples_post == 0 && trigger != TYPE_ACQ_CORE_SKIP) ?
samples_alignment : hutils_align_value(num_samples_post, samples_alignment);
uint32_t num_samples_post_aligned = (num_samples_post == 0 && trigger_type != TYPE_ACQ_CORE_SKIP) ?
samples_alignment : hutils_align_value (num_samples_post, samples_alignment);
/* Set the parameters: number of samples of this channel */
acq->acq_params[chan].num_samples_pre = num_samples_pre_aligned;
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