sm_io/protocols/ops/sm_pr_spi.c: use alignment func.

Avoid adding unnecessary padding.
parent 79faba82
......@@ -335,8 +335,7 @@ static ssize_t _spi_read_write_raw (smpr_t *self, size_t size, uint8_t *data,
smpr_spi_t *smpr_spi = (smpr_spi_t *) smpr_get_ops (self);
uint32_t ss = smpr_spi_get_ss (smpr_spi);
uint32_t charlen = size*SMPR_BYTE_2_BIT; /* in bits */
uint32_t size_align = size + SMPR_WB_REG_2_BYTE -
(size % SMPR_WB_REG_2_BYTE);
uint32_t size_align = hutils_align_value(size, SMPR_WB_REG_2_BYTE);
/* Configure SS line */
rw_err = SET_PARAM(parent, sm_pr_spi, spi_proto->base, SPI_PROTO, SS, /* field = NULL */,
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